TOVO Tuesday 201
Pressure and Prudence
Pressure is not a bad thing. Constant pressure is. ?
We know through research that the value of physical challenge (stress) will strengthen muscles when that exertion is accompanied by rest. We know that academic challenges (stress) will strengthen the intellect when that cerebral exertion is accompanied by relaxation. ?
Stepping away is a good thing. ?
As parents and coaches, we have a lot to do with this process. If we are constantly on our kids after every match analyzing performance, we do not serve the process well. In fact, we can inadvertently be that pressure when we lose perspective.?
The match itself is pressure, we are better when prudent. ?
Perhaps we talk too much. Perhaps we want to release our viewpoints, our ideas, our own stress. But that is not productive for anyone involved and less so for the child before us. ?
Have you been to a sport tournament lately? You need only sit in the stands or walk the sidelines to hear a barrage of babble. Useless, fruitless and counterproductive but omnipresent nonetheless. Not just soccer, but baseball, basketball, ice hockey and so on. ?
We have choices as coaches and parents. We can allow our children to immerse themselves in challenges and navigate through them with a powerful blend of failure and success or we can complicate the process. The better choice is patience. We know this.
We are both mentor and mother, both fan and father. We are the safe haven called home. ?
There will be pressure no doubt and we will be there for high-fives and hugs accordingly