TOVO Tuesday 199
(Photo credit: Sarah Kilian)

TOVO Tuesday 199

The Next Play

Mistakes happen. ?

I often tell my players that making a mistake is not a mistake. Dwelling on a mistake is the true error. ?

“Next play,” we say. ?

We present it visually, lining up three cones. ?

The first cone is the past.

The second cone is the present.

The third cone is the future. ?

If an athlete is focused on the mistake just made, they are playing in the past. That moment is not coming back. In fact, the entire team is playing short-handed until the player returns to task. ?

The present is where competent players operate. ?

The future is where the best players reign. They anticipate and perform proactively. They find the next solution. ?

When seen in this light the past is two cones from where one wants to be. The visual helps. ?

“Next play.” ?

These two words kick athletes in gear. They keep them from moping?or complaining. They keep them in the game and give us every chance to proceed with purpose. They keep them connected with teammates as they?collectively create. ?

So many coaches commenting on the past play are dragging kids into a senseless state. They train the players to be two cones from where they will excel. We, as coaches, can do that with one scream from the sidelines. We, as coaches, derail progress by regressing. ?

So many parents commenting on the past play are unwitting conspirators. Good intentions, restrictive actions. ?

Two words. “Next play.” Such a simple way to develop a positive mindset. Such a simple way to resist the seduction of the past to become a player consistently solving the upcoming challenges. ?

Next. Play.


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