TOVO Tuesday 195
No Doubt
“My kids can’t …”
We can fill in the blank with any number of phrases.
“My kids can’t because we don’t live in a soccer culture.”
“…because they aren’t good enough.”
“…because they are too rich, too poor, too young, too old, too much or too little of something.”
But the only word we want to use to complete the sentence is the tiny word “yet.”
“My kids can’t yet.”
“However, with patience, persistence and passion, they can and will.”
Excuses abound. But while some bemoan the lack of intelligence, skill and character in youth players others are nurturing those very qualities on a daily basis. In fact, the best among us recognize that our role is to promote learning. That is what coaches do. We would be out of a job if all children were perfectly proficient at their craft. Thankfully, our athletes have some work to do on their journey from baseline to better.
We do not need to read the research to understand that our expectations of children matter. It is common sense. If we believe in them and convince them of their own power to acquire skills and to attain knowledge, they will. If we abandon them at the starting gate, they will not run toward progress.
We are adults. They are children. What narrative we tell is the story that will guide them, for better or worse. So, we best not sell quick fixes and fantasies. Those abound as well.? What we ought to share is that with effort, dedication and resilience, each player advances.
Let’s be honest. There is no doubt that a child has the potential to play more intelligently and skillfully.
The only doubt that remains is whether we, as coaches, will commit to promoting learning and joy at every level of the beautiful game. When we eliminate our doubt there will be no doubt at all to seduce us from a purposeful path. We may not be our best selves YET, but we will get there.
No doubt.