TOVO Tuesday 167
(Photo Credit: Christian Lendl)

TOVO Tuesday 167

California Dreaming

We start training in Monterey today. ?

I know going in that I will be exhausted coming out. Coaching demands a great amount of energy and we will put our souls into this endeavor over the next ten days. And while soccer instruction is ostensibly the purpose of the camp, inspiration is the true campaign.

“We are in the energy business,” I will remind myself and my staff.? “The positive energy business.” ?

I used to think that was merely romantic babble. However, come to find out, positive energy is actually the foundation of profound learning and joy. And profound learning and joy is why we coach in the first place. ?

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts ?

We will ask a lot of our players in residence. We will twist what they know of the game on its head and twirl about in a whirlwind of activity. New ideas, new training, new friends, new coaches, a new place. Far from home and certainly far from the confines of traditional training.? ?

Dynamic, desirable difficulties. ?

“Forever is composed of Nows.” – Emily Dickinson ?

You may not be able to join us, but know we are on task as the fog claws its way from sea to shore. And know that we may not be kicking a ball as much as exploring our potential.? ?

Today, we will welcome 60 athletes to California.

Today, we will initiate some serious fun.

Today, we will begin to test ourselves merely because we want to.

Today, we will plunge into the Monterey mist joyfully.

Today, we live one now and another and another until exhaustion.

Today, we will realize we are all in the energy business.

Today, we join the dance. ?

And today, we will turn California dreaming into reality. ?


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