TOVO Tuesday 151
(Photo Credit: Leo H)

TOVO Tuesday 151

Absorption Rates

Plenty of vitamins on the market.?

Which got me thinking…

Apparently, consuming vitamins is important, but not a guarantee that a body will absorb them effectively. If a vitamin just passes on through, then the value is not significant really.?

Which got me thinking…

What is the absorption rate of my teachings? Teaching is not the same as learning, I am afraid. If it were then what I say at training would be consumed effectively. Moreover, the evidence would be abundantly clear in the very next action executed.?

Which got me thinking…

How do we, as educators, increase absorption rates? How do concepts get transformed into actionable knowledge? How do principles of play get digested and distributed in such a way to drive ?player performance?

Exposure to an idea is like strolling past an aisle of fresh vegetables. Not going to do much.?

However, understanding an idea, practicing that idea, and executing that idea in competition will most certainly lead to much higher absorption. Here is where the athlete burps a bit, churns the nutrients and ultimately benefits from the value of that profound process.?

Too often I assume that a player should just get it: should immediately grasp a concept because I provide the information. These are my least effective moments as a coach.?

Note to Self: There is no teaching without learning.?

So, maybe at our next training, we should stop running information sessions and instead run absorption sessions. Present an idea, train the idea, allow for a bit of indigestion and forge forward knowing that all that is presented is not consumed. No worries. We will come back to the kitchen tomorrow and cook it all up again, over and over. Concept by concept.?

Imagine an exponential increase in applied knowledge. Imagine that the wisdom you impart sinks in and flows through the veins of all of your players. Imagine that your power-packed program nourishes each and every athlete.

Which got me thinking…

There is no better carrier to deliver knowledge than inspiration.

Our role is to inspire a child so that we may nourish that child so that she may thrive. Perhaps that is the best way to ensure that this beautiful game flows through every cell of her being.


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