Tour Management 101 Ep. 1 Recap
Through the COVID-19 pandemic, Tour Management 101 was, and still is, an incredibly helpful resource for learning about the touring industry directly through touring professionals. There is an extensive amount of knowledge throughout this episode, and it is still just the basics of touring.
As a tour manager, some of the most important skills to develop or improve on include organization, communication, emotional intelligence, and openness. These were emphasized numerous times throughout the episode as they are critical for the success of the tour.?
Organization is key. As stated in this episode, about 90% of the work done by tour managers is preparation and 10% is action on the day of shows. It’s incredibly important to keep track of transportation, budget, vendors, and all the different departments on the tour itself. This is mostly done using Microsoft Excel, which was mentioned a few times. Getting ahead with planning will also eventually help with confidence of touring professionals. With good groundwork and planning, you’ll be able to answer questions or solve any issues that may arise throughout the tour.?
Emotional intelligence and communication comes in handy in almost any situation that would occur. As touring professionals, you are not only working with the same people every day, but you are also living with them (usually on a tour bus). It is incredibly important to ensure the tour runs as smoothly as possible and being able to effectively communicate is necessary. As a new touring professional, you should want to learn as much as possible about all the different aspects of live events in order to be an asset to the tour. However, being able to admit you don’t know the answer to a question will ensure tasks are being completed in the proper amount of time and correctly. Being open to learning how to complete the task is useful, but being honest about your abilities is imperative.?
Attitude is important, not only for yourself, but for everyone else on the tour as well. It’s important to always show up and give your best effort for anything you do. Be open to learning about how other departments work and how they work with each other to ensure success of each show. Being positive, encouraging, and open could lead you to your next job opportunity on another tour or a promotion with the one you’re already working on. If a hiring tour manager likes you, they will find responsibilities for you just to keep you around.?
One of the most crucial takeaways from this episode is how important it is to take care of yourself. This applies to any role on the tour. It is common to burn out if you’re constantly overworking and not setting time aside for yourself. Even if it’s a short amount of time, it is better for yourself and others if you are in the best mental state possible. Not only is this healthier for your personal well being, but also for the success of the tour. It is crucial to be able to fulfill your responsibilities.