The Toughest Part About The BA Job

The Toughest Part About The BA Job

By Harry Madusha (The BA Priest) -

Question: What's the toughest part about the BA Job?

Answer: At initial, the hardest part about a Business Analyst Job is Figuring Yourself Out.

Business Analysis is a combination of math, business and technological skills. And because there are vast techniques to work with, so many companies to solve problems for, so many statistical models to deploy; it is a cookie jar of skills. It's not just about understanding the BABOK. Certainly, there are many ways to make a name for yourself in Business Analysis in the long run however the first step begins with answering the question: Who Am I?

Who You Are is a personal question that no one else except you can be sincere enough to answer. It took me years to figure out what makes me stand out as a business analyst yet every day I still learn new things about myself. It is not about being a BA expert for Insurance, Healthcare, Telecom, Airlines, and Technology companies, we should always be open to improving.

Figuring out yourself is also common amongst junior business analyst, starting a new career path can be daunting, generally it takes consistency, agility, hard work, tons of dedication and commitment to stay on track. Being an entry level - your first task is to learn and gain as much as you can. Work with as many teams as you can and try to touch upon these three - predictive, descriptive, and prescriptive model of analysis. Choose a major project that you know in and out. Study this major project more often and ask yourself how the solutions applied to one can be applicable to others. That is for example in modern medicine, cures for other diseases can be discovered by studying or experimenting with the cure for another. Experimenting with various business analysis models can be helpful in figuring your business analyst SELF.

Having relevant experience in the business and technology domain builds self - worth and makes you more valuable. Learning a variety of technologies and being aware of technologies similar to those also helps. Finding a great job in a stable industry where you can work on multiple projects (technology, healthcare, etc.) can also come in handy. Your selling point in the early stage should be versatility - every company experience similar problems irrespective of what business they are in. You should be flexible with the model each company uses. If you are not well versed with different models, make sure you have an alternative ready.

In addition, you will have to rely on specialized team members to improve which is also helpful in figuring out yourself better. A company will find more value in a Business Analyst who can bring in a holistic view to a problem than a business analyst who is limited. In essence, figuring out yourself isn't really hard, it's actually simple - it requires being versatile, experienced, humility to learn and patience. It's all worth it in the end.

For you, what was the toughest part about business analysis?

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