Touching base, some Friday links, the need to belong, a brief update and why I like reaching November
I thought I would take the opportunity (and being prompted by LI to use their 'assistant) to touch base with my network, share some links I have found interesting of late and give you a quick update.
Some Links:
I apologise the list this time is a bit UK centric but I felt the collection perhaps joined some dots when brought together.
?·?????? The UK Government’s ‘Autumn Budget 2024'
·?????? ‘The UK biotech financing 2024’ report
·?????? ‘TechBio – UK Leads innovation frontier’ report
Without doubt the voluminous commentary, especially surrounding the first two items will continue for a good while yet. I will read, watch and listen with interest. It is likely my overall impression won’t change too much in that there is good and not so good news in all of these when one looks into the details that emerge in the coming weeks and months. Where the balance eventually falls will depend on an individual company or personal perspective, but the collective sentiment resulting from implementation and onward progress of the messaging in the above reports will no doubt be reflected in the attractiveness of the UK sector to all stakeholders. We will all have to watch this space for now, providing feedback where required perhaps if those claiming to influence policy are able to feel supported and hence be effective.
I look forward to sessions at Genesis 2024 such as ‘Mansion or Maisonette’ and ‘Winners & Losers’ as well as some of the Fringe sessions such as ‘Accessing US Investors and Exits’ and ‘Building a World Class Ecosystem’ where I am sure key topics relating to the above will arise.
Feedback Welcome:
Following on from the above, One Nucleus will of course be involved in a number of discussions and feeding back what we hear from members and contacts as more detailed policies and questions are asked. I would be very pleased to receive any thoughts, comments, asks or cautions you would like fed into those discussions – whether a UK based in terms of what you’d like to see or based outside the UK in terms of what would make the UK attractive to you.
Where do you belong?
I was struck by the narrative angle one of my colleagues took this week when drafting an article for our upcoming eNews (out next week) about the importance of accessing a sense of belonging to wellbeing, productivity and innovation. Not in that article, but it reminded me of a similar type of approach in a keynote speech at Genesis over a decade ago. Mike Ward described a ‘BS Guide to Biotech’ – categorizing company types relative to Bruce Springsteen, Bart Simpson and Britney Spears. It relates to another programme panel at Gensis 2024 entitled ‘Biology and Technology – Where Do You Fit and Who Does it Matter To?’ since where you feel you fit/belong can influence not just the attraction to investors and partners but also a sense of identity and how you present when engaging key partners I would assume.
A brief update:
·?????? As you may have picked up from above, a great deal of attention for me at the moment is the upcoming Genesis conference, as it has been at this time of year for over 20 years now. An intense period of activity, but equally one of the best things I have the pleasure to be involved in. If you haven’t checked out what’s on yet, booked your place at one of more of: (i) the main event; (ii) welcome reception; (iii) RESI-London; or (iv) Fringe events, now could be a great time to head to the website!
·?????? I am delighted the entries are open for the One Nucleus Annual Awards 2025 competition that will culminate in an exclusive 200-guest black-tie dinner on 27 March 2025 in London. Very much a activity brough to you by the ecosystem for the ecosystem, recognizing excellence and achievement across the whole sector.
·?????? We and collaborators have a series of roundtables and seminars coming – details and how to register at
·?????? One Nucleus will have team member Monalisa Breazu making her debut at BIO-Europe and will be in full swing supporting members at Booth 192. If you’d like to be added to the One Nucleus BIO-Europe WhatsApp Group to stay connected throughout, please contact me directly or visit the stand.
I hope you have an excellent weekend. I love the arrival of November since it has long been that point where I accept we are entering weeks that will include BIO-Europe (safe travels those who are attending), Autumn Rugby Internationals, Jefferies Week in London, Genesis and finishing with friends & family gatherings over the holiday season (incl. my birthday!). I shall miss not being at BIO-Europe, but colleagues are as set out above and I wish everyone attending safe travels and a productive event.
Best wishes,