Touch a Heart First?
Jack "ASLAN" Hornsby
Founding Member&Executive Director w/John Maxwell Leadership CertifiedTeam/CEO Aslan Enterprizes
Touch a Heart First - John Maxwell - /
One of the most common mistakes people make is trying to lead others before developing relationships with them. It happens all the time. A new manager starts with a company and expects the people working there to respond to her authority without question. A coach asks his players to trust him when they don't even know each other. A divorced father who hasn't seen his children in years reinitiates contact and expects them to respond to him automatically. In each of these instances, the leader expects to make an impact on his people before building the relationship. It's possible that the followers will comply with what the leader's position requires, but they'll never go beyond that.
As you prepare to develop other people, take time to get to know one another. Ask them to share their stories with you-their journeys so far. Find out what makes them tick, their strengths and weaknesses, their temperaments, and so forth. And spend some time with them outside of the environment where you normally see them. It will develop your relationship in a way it hasn't before, and it will help you grow.
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible