Touch Event Handling in Node.js with EventEmitter

Touch Event Handling in Node.js with EventEmitter

EventEmitter class, a core module in Node.js that facilitates the management of events such as mouse clicks, keyboard button presses, and mouse Node.js provides an event-driven architecture, allowing developers to handle events asynchronously.

Features of EventEmitter:

  1. emit: The emit method is used to trigger an event. When invoked, it notifies all registered listeners for that particular event, allowing them to execute their associated callback functions.
  2. on: The on method is used to add a callback function to handle a specific event. This method registers the listener function, ensuring that it is invoked whenever the corresponding event is emitted.

Several methods The EventEmitter

  1. once(): add a one-time listener
  2. removeListener() / off(): remove an event listener from an event
  3. removeAllListeners(): remove all listeners for an event

Code Examples:

// Import EventEmitter module
const EventEmitter = require('events');

// Create an instance of EventEmitter
const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

// Define event listener for 'click' event
eventEmitter.on('click', () => {
  console.log('Button clicked!');

// Emit 'click' event


Finally, Node.js EventEmitter allows developers to create strong and responsive applications by utilizing the event-driven paradigm. By understanding its capabilities and implementing it into your projects, you can unleash the complete potential of asynchronous event handling in Node.js. This will enable seamless communication and interaction within your applications.


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