This is totally possible for you...
Sarah Clarke - The Happy Startup Coach??
For creative women who never fit the 9-5 mould-turn your new coaching business into a profitable, purpose-led brand by packaging up the genius corporate overlooked into a Signature Coaching Programme & sell it on repeat.
Picture the scene.?
It's early September. The sun has started to lose its warmth; casting a golden glow over the fields and hedgerows. New Clarks shoes await in the hallway; shiny and unboxed, ready for the first day back at school.
The summer holidays are coming to an end and you're feeling the conflicting emotions of both relief (of finally being able to do some work again without the constant demands for snacks) and regret (have you been present enough? Have you made enough memories?) at the prospect of the kids going back.
But there's also an excitement bubbling inside of you.
Of the prospect of getting back to it. Back to that thing that's YOUR'S. Shaped around you.
Back to the thing that makes you feel useful and valuable. Purposeful.
A unique way to deploy your gifts and make a dent in the world, that also allows you to contribute to the household pot like you used to when you were in your old 9-5. But outside of the confines of the patriarchal world you kissed good-bye to over a year ago.
You're finally able to say you have a brilliant, profitable coaching business that's so aligned with your purpose and personality, it now feels like an extension of who you are. Like coming home.
??♀? You feel calm and relaxed, safe in the knowledge that you have a diary full of discovery calls with prospective, soul-aligned clients who you know will want and need what you have to offer.
?? The low-level anxiety of all those 'feast or famine' months of last year's unpredictable income and frantic spaghetti-throwing are a distant memory.
??? Because you finally have a PLAN. A method. A blueprint. A rinse-and-repeat structure, shaped around who you are, that actually WORKS.
??A framework that allows you to consistently create unique services that your perfect people want to buy and that you have such an unwavering belief in that you're actually excited to share them with the world.
??? Now you understand the psychology of creating ethical, authentic content in ways that play to your strengths, you actually enjoy marketing your services!?
??And what's more, you know your efforts will be rewarded with DMs in response to your social posts and replies to your emails because you have a bank of messaging formulae that create demand for your thing.
?? You also have a fool-proof format for your free workshops and sales calls that feels really natural and results in your perfect people asking how they can work with you.
?“You gave us a structure for live classes or workshops. I was doing them before and I wasn't getting any leads or enquiries. They were on completely random topics - flavour of the month/ I was giving away the crown jewels! You gave us a structure for a workshop, so I followed that structure and got a client. And the next time I did it I got 3 enquiries.” - Anna, Career and Leadership Coach
??? You're steadily growing and nurturing an audience of perfect people so you have a pool of engaged, prospective clients you can reach out to whenever you have something to sell.
But 'shouldn't' you be able to work this out on your own??
If you've had your biz for 12 months or more, you probably feel like you have a lot of the pieces of your 'biz jigsaw already, and that you 'should' be able piece them together on your own. With a bit of trial and error.
After all, you have a decent social media following, maybe even a small email list, a service that sells - albeit inconsistently - and a vague understanding of your ideal client.
?But...perhaps you have a hunch something's missing…A 'secret code' all those 'six figure' coaches have. But you aren't party to.
I assure you. No matter what they say. There is no 'Secret Code'. There is no 'Magic 6 Step Formula' that'll make you 6 figures as you sleep.
What if the thing that's missing is the fact that no one has ever shown you the picture you're trying to make on the lid of your biz jigsaw box… The big picture. How all the pieces fit together. Which piece goes where.
You can absolutely work it out on your own without 'the picture on the lid', but perhaps you don't have the luxury of time on your side. Or you're just fed up of over-thinking everything - going round in circles, wasting time trying to figure it out from The School of YouTube.
If you're working to a tight deadline and need to make your coaching or consulting biz profitable within the next 6 months, I'd love to help. I've learned the hard way there's no shame in asking for help, in fact all it does is fast-track your progress.???
So if you're finally ready to reveal not only 'the picture on the box' but also all the missing jigsaw pieces and how they all fit together, send me a DM or comment below this article with the word 'FRUITFUL' to find out more or apply for one of the last remaining places for the May intake of Fruitful Founder??.
We start on Monday 20th May at 11am GMT and investment starts at £1275 + VAT.
Sarah x