Total Quality Management (Top management tool #3).
Total Quality Management (Top management tool #3). If you don't use it you are probably ignoring huge critical problems in your company.
This tool and its associated known programs as Continuous Improvement, can not be disregarded at all. Basic Quality programs can be implemented with low cost and investment. Learn the most important concepts!
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a systematic approach to quality improvement that marries product and service specifications to customer performance. TQM then aims to produce these specifications with zero defects. This creates a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement that boosts production, customer satisfaction and profits.
TQM improves profitability by focusing on quality improvement and addressing associated challenges within an organization. TQM can be used to:
In order to succeed, TQM programs require managers to:
If you have any questions you might wright an email to us and asks for support are welcome.
We also have a description of this tool in your language of preference and an implementation proposal might be prepared for your company upon request.
Silvio Taboas