Total Makeover to Enhance Your?Life
Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

Total Makeover to Enhance Your?Life

Do everything with love and say no to stress. Every day we wake up, there is a hoard of obligations waiting for us. How do you decide, where do you?focus?

Focus on the?worthy

Perhaps, you noticed this with yourself. You run through life like a maniac, hoping for the best, taking every project on without really thinking about the consequences. Are you feeling tired? Drained??

?Let’s name a few elephants in the room:

  • Wrong partner
  • Wrong goals
  • Too many unimportant tasks
  • Being not fit and unhealthy
  • Not taking enough breaks during the day
  • Chronic stress
  • No long term goals
  • Going with the flow without the necessary future focus

Today is a chance to reshape your life. Yes, you hear that right. You can change your approach. Even if you felt stuck for the past 20 years, start now! You don’t have to wait for the perfect opportunity. If you don’t like something, change it. For that to happen, you need to gain a bigger perspective. Step out of your hamster wheel, think about the three worthy projects, and eliminate the energy drainers. Journaling is the fastest way.

Just like Mary Kondo, doing a total makeover helps people get rid of things and clothes they don’t need. Clean your flat, your house, and your mind! Clarity is everything! Evaluate the different areas see what sticks and what has to go.

Focus on what you?love

We know it. Life is short and flows like a river. There are many opportunities to jump on and still make the ride. So, if you feel like you are not living your life fully, jump in the water and swim against the current. Open your eyes, look around today. There are many things to love and be grateful for. Perhaps, your dog or cat, kids, partner, your boss, an abundance of food each day.

Then choose to follow through on things you love. If you want a beautiful life, you must focus on the beautiful. Concentrating on something you don’t desire will make you focus on those more and bring your mood down.

Where energy goes, the focus goes. — Tony?Robbins

Focus on the daily?magic

Robin Sharma says that each day is our life in miniature. Could he be right? You know what to do when you recognize that today is guaranteed and tomorrow is not.?LIVE! LOVE! MATTER!

We are dying each day, whether we like it or not. For someone, it’s 80 more years for another 20.?

Living with the perspective of being unique and special every day gives us an incredible chance to live a life that truly matters and put out the magic that the world so desperately needs.

It’s like the memento mori that Ryan Holiday is talking about—having a reminder that we are not immortal is good to live each day with grace, reverence for life, and kindness for others.


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