Total Defense Against the Spread of Cyber Attacks - Cyber 2.0

Total Defense Against the Spread of Cyber Attacks - Cyber 2.0

The only system in the world that blocks 100% of cyber-attacks within organization network, including: viruses, ransomware, trojan, data leakage, browser hijacking, intel’s specter and meltdown and Zero-day attacks.

The system prevents malware spreading using cryptographic mechanism based on chaos mathematics (registered patent approved US 9.838,368) without detection or prevention, but 100% blocking by the chaos engine.

How it works?

Complete network mapping

? The agent creates three different inventory lists:

  1. All the application that are installed on the computer.
  2. Separates all the application that are used by the user.
  3. Separates all the application that uses network resources.

? Software network behavior gets the version, Hash and images of each application.

? Analysis of each application, it’s images and network usage.

The mapping processes

Every process, every library file that loads is recorded. Every access of a process to another process is recorded, the system takes their MD5 and SHA signature.

The system creates a “Chain Kind” of the applications and if there is an infected / malicious application the “Chain” will be blocked to communicate over the network.

Cyber 2.0 - Reverse tracking

Our mechanism tracks the chain all the way back, using Reverse Tracking Technology, and blocks Outlook from going out to the network.

Getting control over the network

Legitimate software –

All the applications that were installed by the IT and authorized to communicate over the network will be marked.

Illegitimate software –

Applications that are not marked are by default illegitimate.

Disguised software -

Will be removed automatically from the list.

All the applications are analyzed and checked before there are added to the list.

Chaos Engine

Each legitimate outgoing traffic is being scramble, and legitimate incoming traffic is being unscrambled.

Malicious outgoing traffic is not scrambled, and malicious incoming traffic is descrambled.

Cyber 2.0 agent unique defense mechanism blocks malicious traffic using inverted algorithm which occurs at the end point, this way there is no influence over network performance, bypass attempt will fail, harming the integrity of the

list breaks the chaos balance between computers, and the system will allocate incorrect ports.

Anti-reverse engineering

Cyber 2.0 unique mechanism prevents any reverse engineering attempt over the system.

The chaos algorithm that changes every second does not allow injection of the reversed agent and communication over the network with other protected computers.

Complete blocking out of the organization

A dedicated Gateway is deployed between the network and the Firewall / various unsupported network devices which preforms the same as Cyber 2.0 agent.


A hackathon was held in Israel. One Million attacks were launched against Cyber 2.0 and not a single breach was found.

We are the only company in the world that invited all hackers to hack its system.

January 2016 – International Hacking Companies failed to hack the system

June 2018 – Israel – Reward = NIS 100,000

February 2019 – Atlanta – Reward = $100,000

March 2019 – Worldwide – Nonstop, open to all, every month a bigger reward

Key points on cyber 2.0

Our unique solution:

  • The cyber world (defensive and offensive) is based on biological models, making them vulnerable to penetration by systems using similar models (virus vs. anti-virus).
  • Cyber 2.0 system is based on mathematical chaos model, that cannot be breached
  • The classic process is "Detection>Prevention": first you must detect and to recognize every new malicious, then try to prevent (or to alert).
  • It is known that there is no 100% detection! (because of new malicious every second).

It is also known that there is no 100% prevention! (because once the system is penetrated, the organization is no longer protected

Cyber 2.0:

  • Does not fail the Detection Test, because it skips over it, effectively blocking every malware without first identifying it.
  • Does not fail the Prevention Test, because by using the chaos model, it blocks 100% of what is required to be blocked, since it is designed in a way that even if it is bypassed or deactivated, it still protects the organization

Jackie Knott

Business Management Executive


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