Toss the scale! What is body composition shifting?
Sabine Ehgoetz, M.A.
Content Marketing Specialist | Social Media | Sales Enablement | B2B Marketing | Branding & Design
What you can expect to lose on our program, and why inches matter so much more than lbs.. we call if body composition shifting... or: toss the scale!
Toxic Scale Syndrome - Pounds vs Inches
By Sean Escobar
This post will hopefully address the T.S.S. that many of the women in America have become hostage to these days. T.S.S. being Toxic Scale Syndrome. Don't laugh, my bet is that some of you get on that scale a half dozen times per day. My hope is that we can shift the diet mentality and embrace a new practice, the "Cleansing Lifestyle" as we call it.
First of all, we need to address the relation between pounds and inches. Women usually lose WAY more inches than pounds on Isagenix. It is not unusual for a woman to drop double the inches! I've had some cleansers who drop 6 or 7 lbs, but 24+ inches. Consider that is over 2 feet off the body!!! Now you have to ask yourself, where did it go? :) We like to call it "Magic."
When we say that Body Composition is shifting what we mean is that the lbs and inches are coming off in the troublesome places and you are gaining lean muscle mass in the right places. As we all know, muscle weighs more than fat. Since most people are not accustomed to such a high quality protein as the Isagenix Organic Whey imported from New Zealand, their bodies are literally jumping for joy! I'm aware of one doctor in Isagenix who feels, based on his clinicals, that the average person will actually gain between 1-3 lbs of muscle with just moderate excercise. That is really significant when you consider how that will show up on the scale isn't it? Do women take such things into consideration when they step on the scale? No they do not. T.S.S. has them completely brainwashed. Let me ask you a question, what are you more concerned about lbs or inches/dress sizes? Isn't it all about how you look and how your clothes fit? Is anyone ever going to come and pick you up after all?
I have some pretty unbelievable pictures of women who have dropped 20 lbs, but it looks like they lost 40. Women who've dropped 30 lbs, but it looks like 60 and so on. This is the phenomonon of Body Composition Shifting. It is such a beautiful thing! Throw that scale away and give it a chance.
Did you know that there are different types of fat? There is surface fat, which comes off rather quickly and with ease when cleansing. Then there is a more deep seeded troublesome fat that takes a little more cleansing and a little more time. Nothing worse than a woman who after hearing that her friend dropped 19 lbs on the first program is upset that she only dropped 7. We must keep in mind that biochemistry is unique as a fingerprint, there are no 2 people who are exactly alike and therefore we have to work with what we have and not get into the no-win game of comparisons. This also holds true for Women in relation to Men. Did you know that Women's fat is completely different from Men's? Women's fat actually requires 50% more energy to burn. No wonder the weight seemingly comes off so much easier for men, those jerks! lol Still, Women have men beat by a long shot on inches and it's the inches that have the most impact on how we look and how those clothes fit. Many women are carrying around loads and loads of excess water, some even have what they call chronic edema. It's our belief that the body is carrying around this excess water in an effort to dilute the toxicity inside of it. We've all seen the women with what looks like water balloons on their upper arms or thighs and stomachs. It doesn't even really look like fat, it appears as though you could pop it with a needle. Amazing what happens when such women cleanse, it's a miracle for them!
Now let's put things into further perspective. Why is it that people think that they completely detoxifyed the body in 9 or 30 days? They spent a lifetime of 20, 30, or 40, 50+ years toxifying themselves and why is it that they think that it will all be back to the way God intended within such a short period of time? Once again it is the American Mentality. We want quick fixes. People stand next to the Microwave and tap their feet impatiently. Although Isagenix works pretty darn fast, for some it is still not fast enough, nothing is. I'm asking you to be patient. Sometimes it is the 2nd or 3rd cleanse where women see the major shift they are looking for. Will we ever completely detoxify the body? No, the answer is no. It's an ongoing process that requires adopting a cleansing lifestyle. Does changing the oil in your car once qualify it for no future oil changes? I often like to inform people upon completing their 9 day course, "congratulations, you just realized the benefit of cleansing your body one percent! Just imagine how great you will feel and look once you've adopted the cleansing lifestyle for 6 months or for 1 or 2 years!"
I believe there is a re-balancing taking place in the body during this process.
My wife lost only 6 lbs in the 9 day program, but went on to lose 25 lbs and 5 dress sizes in just 6 weeks by simply adopting the maintenance program! It does appear as though all systems of the body begin to function at a high level. Digestion, Metabolism, Immune, etc. You're also gaining control over nasty eating habits. Cravings seem to magically disappear and a healthy body is attracted to healthier foods. People find the energy to get more physically active. There is so much going on here that we ought to be excited about!
Why do we need Maintenance? Because Isagenix really doesn't cleanse anything! Our bodies come equipped with cleansing organs, the liver, the kidneys, the lymph, etc. Trouble is that we live in such an overwhelmingly toxic world that our cleansing organs are over-burdened and can't perform as intended. All Isagenix does is provide powerful cleansing nutrients to the body which aids the body in its ability to effectively cleanse itself. Make sense? Why wouldn't we want to provide these cleaning nutrients, call it a boost, on a daily basis? Our world is not getting any less toxic, in fact, it's getting much much worse!
Did you know that every 7 years, every single cell in the human body will have become anew? They completely regenerate every 7 years. Your diet, nutrition and exercise regimine over the next 7 years will essentially determine who the new you will be! Will you be the epitome of health? Or will you be a walking talking Twinkie? :) It's your choice!
Isn't it sad that we get so wrapped up on the weight loss aspect. I know it is sad for me because I'm aware of how much more there is going on here. Many of the Doctors on the Scientific Medical Advisory Board have said that Weight Loss is just one ancillary benefit of cleansing and it is not the top one. Of the top 10 benefits, weight loss would probably fall around #5. 90% of the benefit of this program is internal! That means that only 10% of the benefit is comprised of these external vanity results that everyone gets so wrapped around. I'm not saying that those appearance based results aren't important, they are! I'm just asking you to please consider that there is much more than what meets the eye here. Your insides will thank you more than anything else. You're doing yourself a big favor!
I'm hoping that this post will inspire many of the women out there who are so brainwashed by that nasty scale. One of the biggest favours you can do yourself is throw that scale into the closet and only pull it out on special occasions like when you complete your 9 day deep cleanse once every 3 months. You will not need to be looking at that thing daily while you are doing your daily cleansing and shakes. Listen to your body, focus on how you feel, how you look and how your clothes fit, that is what is going to serve you best. I've been doing this for 9 years now and have coached thousands of cleansers of all shapes and sizes. Based on that experience, I know the above to be the truth. I also know that if you will shift the diet mentality into one of Lifestyle Cleansing, the results will come soon enough and you will find your ideal weight, happy and healthy. Remember, life is a marathon, not a sprint.
Self Employed at Health Report
4 年I’ve been recently established in the dieting as well as fitness profession for more than a decade and in that time I’ve grown a exceptional trustworthiness which I’m extremely proud of. What exactly I’m making an attempt to tell you is this, they invested the better part of a year revising and measuring the 3 week diet program before they ultimately made it open to the public. in doing so, they made absolutely sure that every-thing was covered and that certainly nothing was left out.
Financial Advisor | Business Development | Partnerships | Speaker | Entrepreneur
6 年Interesting!!!