Torsion spring technology- Critical knowledge for designers

Torsion spring technology- Critical knowledge for designers

For any mechanism to store the mechanical energy and to function the springs are widely used. In automotive mechanisms widely the springs are used.

Many automotive mechanism premature failure or non conformance is due to the permature of the spring. Hence the spring design, material selection, surface coating of the spring, packaging of the spring in the mechanism, induced bending stress limit etc., are critical.

During design if care is not given then it leads to test failure or field failure.

Many details provided here are based on lessons learnt so the Engineers can benefit out this details



How spring works?
Some types of springs
Spring energy storage-1
Spring energy storgae-2
Spring energy storgae-3

Spring energy storgae-4
Spring action principle invention
Ancient invention of spring action equipment
Bows function under stored Energy- Spring action!!
Some automotive application of springs
Spring Torque calculation
Spring coil direction is critical for spring function
Spring force application during design and packaging is critical
understand the functional arm and stationary arm of the spring

Packaging of spring is critical or else leads to functional failure
Spring rate calculation


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