Toronto Revisited ...
Sandi Boucher
Indigenous/Canadian Reconciliation Speaker/Trainer/Consultant #ICreateSafeSpaces
I am awake, I am alive, as I continue the examination and consideration of last night's dream, a dream that can be summed up in one word - Toronto.
In the dream, I returned (moved?) there. I remember vividly traveling into the city, looking for Parliament, knowing that was the street I must turn on to get to where I wanted to go.
And then, there I was. A very old "office" space in a very old bulding, a mase of spaces, rooms with doors that lead to other rooms with doors. A youth art space with art and youth everywhere, slogans filled with outrage and defiance painted on all surfaces. A group of young professionals in one room will youth chasing younger children in another.
I knew the receptionist and the man who gets everyone coffee. I knew every room, every door and where it leads and everyone because I had been here before. I smiled, thinking to myself how comfortable it all felt, how perhaps I never should have left.
And then, standing in the only empty room I could find, I realized it had been more than a decade since I left but nothing had changed.
In that moment of clarity, I realized if I hadn't left, I wouldn't have either. Without leaving there would have been no books, no memories of countless people met, no list of places visited, no priceless snippets of conversations with participants changed by my offerings. There would be none of that ...
And then I woke.
Truth be told, my sleep has been restless of late, no doubt thanks to the dread of moving and the reality that I no longer sleep in what will be my home. Last night's dream reminded me of why the move is so important - that without change, nothing changes.
Change is good my friend because we are changing as surely as the seasons, the temperatures and those we love. There is only one time when things no longer change and we are not there yet.
So this is me, now smiling as I sip my morning coffee, smiling as I look forward to the change that is coming and all that will result. After all, moving home from Toronto definitely brought about a thing or two or ten. I cannot wait to see what Fort William brings!
Food for thought my friend, food for thought. Embrace the change. After all, there is more for you to do or see or be.
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