Empowering people to tap into their full potential by becoming a better version of themselves using a proven system to achieve success!!!
Experts recommend working out 45 minutes to an hour a day (30 minutes for beginners) for weight loss and fitness. But if you're like most women, you don't always have a block of 30 to 60 minutes a day to devote exclusively to doing your workouts.
You can still exercise--you just need to sneak in the equivalent in resourceful ways. "The idea is to keep moving," When using the phone walk when you talk. Find whatever works for you and just move. Park half a mile from the mall and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Those little, itty-bitty things add up.
Yet as long as you make some effort each day, that motivates you onward. Success breeds success." Keep in mind, though, that short bursts of exercise are meant to supplement, not replace, your regular fitness routine.
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