Topsoil Stripping and Stockpiling (Pipe Route)
After clearing and grubbing has been completed the grubbed material will be placed in designated areas. A similar operation will commence to remove the topsoil.? The topsoil will be removed with the use of an excavator to a depth of 150mm across the width of the Water Reticulation pipe route and will be placed next to the grubbed soil.? These two stockpiles will be kept separate and mixing shall be avoided.
Ideally, marked wooden/steel pegs should be stayed into the ground demarcating the boundary between the stockpiles. This will ensure that the topsoil that has been removed from the area of work is kept available for placement over sub soil spoiling sites.? This will also allow for rehabilitation of the area to occur.? The soil types will then be separated and no mixing of soil strata can occur. The soil shall be replaced onto the stockpile in the reverse order as to how it was removed.
Take note that the top 300mm of soil should be lightly compacted, as too much compaction will prevent proper plant growth during the rehabilitation process.? The grubbed material should then be placed over this.?Once this is complete, rehabilitation may then commence.
Berm's or cut-off drains should, in a lot of instances be built as to ensure that the topsoil is not eroded away by any storm water. Temporary vegetation should also be established over the stockpiles to avoid wind erosion. This will be in accordance with the Environment Management Plan.
NB: Topsoil from different areas should be placed in separate stockpiles and it's information is to be recorded.