A TopRight Statement for Our Clients and Friends
In a time of public crisis, when little is known and what we do know seems to change every day, it’s our friends, supporters, and clients that sustain us here at TopRight. In so many ways, we depend on you as much as you depend on us. So thank you for being there not just in this moment but for all the complicated moments in years past. We’re extremely grateful to you.
Given how quickly the situation is changing, we wanted to take a moment to ensure that we offer the clarity, simplicity, and alignment—for which we are so well known—with regards to our own approach to the crisis in the coming weeks and months.
Any of our clients, colleagues, friends, and associates may, of course, contact us at any time with more specific questions or concerns. But for a more general overview and a big-picture idea of the variety of ways in which we will continue to support you, please read on here.
Supporting Your Ordinary Business Needs
TopRight is focused on protecting the health of our team members while also delivering timely and high-quality services for clients. Be certain of the following things:
- TopRight is currently—and will be for the foreseeable future—as responsive to the needs, questions and demands of clients as we have been in months or years past.
- During regular business hours, and especially for clients making use of TopRight’s CRM, we will be available for in-app video calling, remote meetings, texting, live chat, and phone calls.
- TopRight’s processes and procedures do enable our team members to work safely from home in a secure environment with all the same collaboration, communication, and task management capabilities as inside the office.
- At the same time, the TopRight offices—which remain open—have implemented precautionary in-house procedures for the safety of team members and visitors. To prevent further spread of infection, we have canceled or limited travel plans.
- TopRight’s pre-existing response plan enables us to respond rapidly to new information, changes, updates, and insights regarding any ongoing issues either with the current outbreak or with specific client work.
- TopRight has no plans to halt or limit the work we do with our docket of engaged clients, either longstanding or brand new.
Supporting Your Evolving Needs in Non-Traditional Ways
In addition to working with you on adjustments to current projects, we will be able to support your evolving needs as well. Never hesitate to contact TopRight regarding:
- updates or insights on best practices during a public health crisis.
- news or advice on likely future outcomes or consequences of the crisis.
- advisement on financial or market practices in light of current volatilities.
- branding, funding, budgeting, or marketing emergencies.
- unexpected delays or complications having to do with workflow, payments, or otherwise.
If there is any way TopRight can help you, even if that means being there to talk you through or talk you down on some difficult issue, please do not hesitate to reach out. As a firm, we still believe in investing in relationships that make a difference—and this has never been more true than in this moment.
We hope this addresses the major questions you may have regarding TopRight and the ways we are able to support you in the coming weeks. As ever, we look forward to helping you through these uncertain times.
Dave Sutton
950 E. Paces Ferry Road, Salesforce Tower, Suite 2195, Atlanta, GA 30326
Office: 678-384-6700
Mobile: 404-229-0234
Web: toprightpartners.com
Tweet: @TopRightPartner