TOPRA newsletter - June 2024

TOPRA newsletter - June 2024

Welcome to our June newsletter, featuring the latest news and developments from TOPRA - The Organisation for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs. We are the international professional membership organisation for healthcare regulatory affairs, and support career progression and the promotion of excellence across the profession.

Give your regulatory affairs career a lift this summer

Give your regulatory affairs career a lift this summer
Give your regulatory affairs career a lift this summer

As the leading global membership organisation for professionals in regulatory affairs, our benefits support thousands of TOPRA members to succeed and excel in their careers. We can help you too with opportunities to grow your skills and knowledge, build your network and so much more. Join TOPRA by 31 July 2024 and get membership until the end of 2025 for the exclusive rate of £290*. We look forward to welcoming you to our diverse international community.

*Regulatory affairs professionals residing in low-to-middle income countries (as defined by the World Bank) are eligible for a 50% discount. Email us at [email protected] to find out more.

TOPRA Summit 2024 – read the report

TOPRA Summit 2024 – read the report
TOPRA Summit 2024 – read the report

The TOPRA Summit provides an invaluable opportunity for industry leaders and experienced regulatory affairs professionals to come together and share their experiences on the big topics that are shaping the future of the industry. Taking place earlier this year in London, the theme of the TOPRA Summit 2024 was: ‘The global agency network – how harmonisation and innovation are paving the way for the future of medicines regulation.’ The report is now available with summaries of the sessions and key takeaways.

Regulatory Rapporteur – June edition available now

Regulatory Rapporteur – June edition available now
Regulatory Rapporteur – June edition available now

The June issue of Regulatory Rapporteur focuses on access to medicines. It looks at how regulators, industry and other organisations are facilitating patients' access to medicines through intricate global networks. This month’s articles explore Project Orbis, medicine availability in post-Brexit Malta, Latin America’s pharma industry and the EU’s new veterinary medicines rules. Regulatory Rapporteur is TOPRA’s respected online journal, published 11 times per year and available free to TOPRA members. Non-members can now register for complementary access to one journal article and an additional five views of industry news content per month.

Develop your skills and expertise this summer

Develop your skills and expertise this summer
Develop your skills and expertise this summer

Wherever you are in your regulatory affairs career, our comprehensive range of training courses will help you take the next step. You will hear from expert speakers, gain knowledge from interactive exercises, and get essential networking opportunities. Upcoming courses include:

RegRapPod InConversation with Bengt Mattson

RegRapPod InConversation with Bengt Mattson
RegRapPod InConversation with Bengt Mattson

In our latest episode of RegRapPod - InConversation, host Alan Booth meets Bengt Mattson, Policy Manager at LIF, which is the trade association for the research-based pharmaceutical industry in Sweden. Stream now to listen to their wide-ranging discussion on sustainability and how environmental legislation in the EU will likely affect the pharmaceutical sector. Bengt previously delivered the Welcome Lecture for last year’s TOPRA Symposium. Listen now on the Regulatory Rapporteur website or download on Apple Podcasts.

Become a Registered or Chartered Scientist

Become a Registered or Chartered Scientist
Become a Registered or Chartered Scientist

Becoming professionally registered as a Registered Scientist (RSci) or Chartered Scientist (CSci) will help you move your career forward. It will formally recognise your skills and experience and enable you to take the next step in your professional development. We are licensed by the Science Council to offer RSci and CSci status to eligible regulatory affairs professionals and can also assist you with your application. Our next deadline for applications is Tuesday 2 July.


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