TopGun Investment Minds and Buy-Side Traders of Canadian Stocks 2022/2023
Brendan Wood International
A private partnership formed in 1970, the firm founded the exclusive TopGun Club.
For Immediate Release - New York, NY, April 13th, 2023 (TopGun Press)
Canada’s Sell-Side Panel of Investment Analysts, Sales Professionals, Traders and Sell-Side Management have selected their most respected TopGun investment counter parties in trade 2022/2023, namely members of the TopGun Club. The Sell-Side Panel singles out individual investment decision makers as being the most accomplished investors on Canadian equities.
Nominations this year were obtained in personal interviews/debriefs with 500+ leading professionals on the sell-side. The full debriefs focus on the sell-side view of global investment targets and also the portfolio managers, buy-side analysts and buy-side traders who most adroitly put them through their paces on these names. Collectively, the nominating Panel represents the majority of banks and broker dealers who deal with Canada’s TopGun investors. The objective selection process strictly limits the number of nominations a respondent can make and filters selections based upon the performance of funds managed by nominated investors.
The number one TopGun Investment Mind of the Year in Canada is Stuart Kedwell of RBC Global Asset Management.
The TopGun Buy-Side Traders of the Year trading Canadian Stocks were JP Matthews of RBC Global Asset Management and Henry Yu of Fidelity Investments in Canada and Brian Holland of Fidelity Investments, based in the US.
TopGun Investment Teams 2022/2023
2. 富达
3. Intact
7. = Desjardins
7. = Vestcor
= In case of tie
Anatomy of a TopGun Investment Mind
The vital working tools of a TopGun investor include brainpower, wisdom and intestinal fortitude. However, the list of requisite personal qualities and professional skills doesn't stop there. Today's TopGun investor is under scrutiny for performance short and longer term, little respite for even a well based value investment style to manifest itself over time. Assets move from fund to fund with increasing frequency by a more self-informed and demanding clientele. The TopGun investor often needs to balance investment style and exercise flexibility in order to maintain out-performance. There are few professions that demand the frequency of decision making challenges, as does equity portfolio management. TopGuns may be sector specialized or generalists, but in either case they need an informed world view on the many variables which define opportunity and risk. There are many checks and balances at work in the mind of a TopGun investor. A strong personality is required to redact to the facts and execute fearlessly.
TopGun Investment Minds 2022/2023
(In alphabetical order by last name):
Platinum Class = Designated TopGun in four consecutive years
TopGun Investment Minds Platinum Class:
Gary Baker - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Chris Beer - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Robert Cohen - 1832 Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Samba Chunduri - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Conrad Dabiet - Manulife Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Shanthu David - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Irene Fernando - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Dylan Fricker - Mackenzie Investments (Platinum Class)
Jean-Mathieu Gareau - Intact Investment Management Inc. (Platinum Class)
Benoit Gervais - Mackenzie Investments (Platinum Class)
Ryan Grant - Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Daniel Greenspan - CIBC Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Phil Harrington - BMO Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Mark Holleran - Vestcor Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Hoa Hong - BMO Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Benjamin Jasmin - Intact Investment Management Inc. (Platinum Class)
Stuart Kedwell - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Jerome Lacombe - Desjardins Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Jason Landau - Waratah Advisors (Platinum Class)
Darren Lekkerkerker - Fidelity Investments (Platinum Class)
Jeannine LiChong - Waratah Advisors (Platinum Class)
Scott Lysakowski - Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Kate MacDonald - BMO Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Jennifer McClelland - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Sean McCurley - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Bill McLeod - 1832 Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Michael McPhillips - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Kevin McSweeney - CI Investments (Platinum Class)
Jonathan Millman - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Sarah Neilson - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
John Novak - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management (Platinum Class)
Joe Overdevest - Fidelity Investments (Platinum Class)
Vincent Paquet - Intact Investment Management Inc. (Platinum Class)
Rob Poole - Picton Mahoney (Platinum Class)
Gower Ramesh - Picton Mahoney (Platinum Class)
Charles Raymond - Desjardins Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Doug Raymond - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Onno Rutten - Mackenzie Investments (Platinum Class)
Jeffrey Schok - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Brahm Spilfogel - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Jennifer Stevenson - 1832 Asset Management (Platinum Class)
Nick Szucs - Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel (Platinum Class)
David Szybunka - Canoe Financial (Platinum Class)
Louis-Phillipe Thibodeau - CDP Capital (Platinum Class)
David Tron - RBC Global Asset Management (Platinum Class)
TopGun Investment Minds:
Noman Ali - Manulife Investment Management
Heiki Altosaar - PCJ Investment Counsel
Sam Baldwin - Guardian Capital
Sajan Bedi - Canoe Financial
Jeffrey Bradacs - Picton Mahoney
Bryan Brown - CI Investments
Jon Case - CI Investments
Jeffrey Chang - RBC Global Asset Management
Frederic Dupont - Desjardins Global Asset Management
Richard Fisher - AGF Management
Thomas Goldthorpe - Fidelity Investments
Stephen Hui - Pembroke Management
Cathy Jeffrey - Vestcor Investment Management
Craig Jerusalim - CIBC Asset Management
David Jiles - Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel
David Lemay-Marcil - Intact Investment Management Inc.
Maxime Lemieux - Fidelity Investments
Ben MacFarlane - Vestcor Investment Management
Mark Mihaljevic - Picton Mahoney
Eric Nuttall - Ninepoint Partners LP
Ryan Oldham - Fidelity Investments
Thierry Ouimet-Arbour - Intact Investment Management Inc.
Tudor Padure - CIBC Asset Management|
Valentin Padure - BMO Global Asset Management
Anne Perreault - Desjardins Global Asset Management
Haran Posner - British Columbia Investment Management
Diana Racanelli - Manulife Investment Management
Robert Reynolds - Fidelity Investments
Chris Rowan - NewGen Asset Management
Derek Spronck - British Columbia Investment Management
Jean-Francois Tardif - Timelo Investment Management Inc
Simon Turner – Triasima
Eugene Vath - Waratah Advisors
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Reproduction in any form, strictly prohibited
The Canadian TopGun Buy-Side Traders Trading Canadian Stocks 2022/2023:
Salvatore Albanese – CDP Capital
Anuratha Arulanantham – CIBC Asset Management???
Kevin Chang - 1832 Asset Management
Jeannine Cooke - Manulife Investment Management
Michael Cristofaro - Desjardins Global Asset Management
JP De Maria - RBC Global Asset Management
Marc-Antoine Fournier - Intact Investment Management Inc.
Carrie Freeborough - Mackenzie Investments
Liam Hancock - Phillips, Hager & North Investment Management
Tyler Hildebrand - NewGen Asset Management
Phil Lambrinos - Van Berkom
JP Matthews - RBC Global Asset Management
Simon Owen - Fidelity Investments
Chris Pasut - Mackenzie Investments
Milan Perak - CI Investments
Rob Pulkys – Waratah Capital
Giovanni Romeo – Triasima
Greg Sinclair – Edgepoint
Nick Sokul - Canoe Financial
Joe Tibble - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management
Don Towers - Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management
Gino Tullo - Guardian Capital
Henry Yu - Fidelity Investments
The US TopGun Buy-Side Traders Trading Canadian Stocks 2022/2023:
Jason Bridge - Capital Group Companies
Michael Carroll - Wellington Management
Campbell Chambers - Regal Fund Management
Katie Dempster - Capital Group Companies
Giulio Fameliaris - Franklin Templeton Investments
Don Harman - Principal Global Investors
Brian Holland - Fidelity Investments
Chris La Fuentes - Point72 Asset Management
Chris Mailloux - Van Eck Associates Corporation
Nick Matalone - Capital Group Companies
Jamie McDonald – T.Rowe Price
Welbis Ortiz - Wellington Management
Eric Reed – Invesco
Brian Rood – Franklin Templeton Investments
Jason Rosenbaum - Capital Group Companies
Peter Schwartz - Encompass Capital Advisors
Andy Stoddard - Capital Group Companies
Craig Thiese - T.Rowe Price
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Reproduction in any form, strictly prohibited
About Brendan Wood International :
Brendan Wood International (BWI), formed in 1970, is a private partnership generating independent performance audits throughout the world. Relying on real time intelligence, the firm advises public companies, institutional and activist investors, investment banks and broker dealers on strategy, performance and recruitment of TopGun talent. The firm's partners have formally presented at 1000+ C level strategy meetings and corporate off sites in fifty cities. Brendan Wood founded the exclusive TopGun Club.
Related Links:
Jordan Novak , Managing Partner, Brendan Wood International, +1 416 924 8110, [email protected]
Amanda Knott , Managing Director, Brendan Wood International, +1 416 924 8110, [email protected]