Top Treatments for Migraine Relief Available at Urgent Care Centers
If you have a migraine attack, should you visit an urgent care center? Urgent care centers provide migraine treatment, however, treatment options can vary, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Learn when you should consider Urgent Care for migraine treatment?in this article. Log on to a consultation.
When to go to the Urgent Care Center for a migraine
You should go to the doctor for a migraine if you or a loved one have a new or severe headache along with any of the following symptoms:
If you lose the ability to talk during migraine attacks, get a medical ID bracelet or carry a card at all times to tell the doctors and nurses about your condition.?If your loved one experiences this type of migraine, go with them to the hospital or explain it to the EMTs.
Treatment for migraine
Migraine treatment focuses on stopping symptoms and preventing future attacks. Your treatment depends on the frequency and severity of your migraine, whether you have nausea and vomiting with your headaches, how disabling your headaches are, and other medical conditions you have. Usually, many medications are designed to treat migraines which fall into two categories:
These medications can relieve migraine symptoms. It works best when you take them at the first sign of an oncoming migraine attack. Here are the most common medications that are used to relieve migraine symptoms:
1. Pain relievers:
These medicines are over the counter or prescription pain relievers including aspirin or ibuprofen. This works well for short-term use for mild migraine pain. Using it for too long may lead to medication-overuse headaches, and possibly ulcers?and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
2. Triptans:?
This medicine is given on a prescription to treat migraine. It blocks pain signals in the brain. It also relieves many symptoms of migraine. However, it is not safe for people who are at risk of stroke or heart attack.
3. Dihydroergotamine:?
This medicine is available as a nasal spray or injection, it is effective if taken shortly after the onset of migraine symptoms that last longer than 24 hours. However, it has side effects like worsening migraine-related vomiting and nausea. It is not recommended for people with health conditions such as coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, or kidney or liver disease.
4. Lasmiditan:
This newer oral tablet is approved to treat migraine with or without aura. In drug trials, it significantly improved headache pain. However, it can produce a sedative effect and cause dizziness, so people who take it should avoid driving or operating machinery for at least 8 hours.
5. Oral calcitonin gene-related peptide antagonists known as gepants:?
Medications like Ubrogepant and Rimegepant are oral gepants that are approved for treating migraine in adults. In drug trials, medicines from this class were more effective than placebo in relieving pain 2 hours after taking them. It is also effective in treating migraine symptoms such as nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. However, it has side effects such as dry mouth, nausea, and sleepiness. These medications are not prescribed if you are taking strong CYP3A4 inhibitor medicines that are used to treat cancer.?
6. Intranasal zavegepant:
This medication is approved by the FDA as a nasal spray to treat migraines. Zavegepant is a gepant and only migraine medicine comes in a nasal spray which provides pain relief within 15 minutes to 2 hours after taking a single dose. Its effects last up to 48 hours (about 4 days) and can improve other symptoms of migraine like nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Like other migraine medications, it also has side effects like taste changes, nasal discomfort, and throat irritation.
7. Opioid medications:
For people who can’t?take other migraine medications, narcotic opioid medications are prescribed. However, it is only used for short-term, because they are highly addictive and only used if other treatments are not effective.
8. Anti-nausea drugs:
These medications help if your migraine is accompanied by aura and causes nausea and vomiting symptoms. It includes chlorpromazine, metoclopramide, or prochlorperazine. It is often prescribed with pain medications.
Keep in mind that some of these medications are not safe to take during pregnancy. If you’re?pregnant or trying to get pregnant, don’t?use any of these medications without consulting with your healthcare provider.
If you need help with migraine, visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care?to get professional medical help. Call us to get an appointment now!
Doral Health and Wellness has several urgent care clinics around New York that can cater to your family’s medical needs. We also have the best medical providers, physicians and staff that are highly trained in their respective specialties. To know more about the locations of our urgent care clinics, you can visit us at Doral Health and Wellness. If you are looking for urgent care near you, you can visit Doral Health and Wellness Urgent Care. We provide urgent care for common illnesses and injuries. Additionally, we also provide comprehensive care for any related injuries and health problems. We also offer other services, such as vaccinations, immunizations, and blood testing. For more info, visit us or call 1-347-384-5690.