Top tips on what you need right now

Top tips on what you need right now

Thank you so much to everyone that completed my recent survey. 

I’m so grateful for you taking the time to give me your feedback on what’s most important to you right now. The results are in and I’m announcing the winner of the 30 minute stand out strategy session!

Your Goal list for 2021

The front runner with a whopping 42% was ‘stepping up to the next level and forming a strategy for my business'

Followed by:

  • Landing speaking gigs and delivering talks
  • Working on your communication skills and how you deliver messages
  • Getting recognised as an expert
  • Getting more visible and building your following

It’s great to hear this as when working with leaders within the corporate world and clients who are consumer facing, this is a crucial thing to spend time on in order to get your ducks lined up correctly. The rest falls into how you are going to deliver on the strategy.

How you are currently using your stories

43% of you are sharing it here and there but want to do more

22% of you know what your story is but don’t know how to share it

22% of you aren’t sharing it at all

14% of you are sharing it through social media and in other areas such as a book

My best advice with this is:

1. Get super clear on the full core story of your business. This will include all the key components that are relevant for your audience to hear in order to connect with you, know like and trust you, and want to know more about how you can help them.

2. Develop a strategy on where is most important to share it in relation to the goals you want to achieve.

For example, if you want to build and connect with your audience through your story, then formulate a content strategy and define how it will be used and for what purpose (with CTAs as part of a community or as part of a launch.)

Or you might want to generate more leads and sales through public speaking. In which case getting clear on the hook and angle of the talk and why it might be relevant to certain events and audiences is a great starting point.

3. Develop an action/outreach plan. If you are going to share your story as part of your content strategy, how will you do it, which ways will you deliver it and over what timeframe?

If you want to share your story as a keynote talk, which curators and events do you need to develop relationships with or pitch to?

What is holding you back on getting visible

  • Knowing how to speak to a B2B audience using your story
  • Not knowing the purpose or call to action for sharing your story
  • Fear of saying too much, something silly or inappropriate
  • Lack of clarity around what you want to say
  • Bringing together what you are working on and communicating it effectively
  • Self-belief and confidence
  • Time and procrastination

The best place to start when dissolving your visibility blockers is clarity. Get super clear on your purpose and end goals. Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I ultimately want to achieve from being visible?
  • What is really holding me back if I’m honest with myself?
  • If nothing or no one was standing in my way what would be happening?
  • What do I need to do to remove my blockers?

If you haven’t grabbed a copy of my visibility blockers worksheet then send me a DM, I’ll send it to you for free! No opt in needed.

This feedback is so valuable and really helps to confirm that what I’m working on is best designed to help solving these sticking points. You are super stars!

I put your names in a hat and pulled out Jo C! Jo, I have your email address so will be in touch to arrange your 30 minute stand out strategy session.

Need support?

If you would like a virtual cuppa and a chat about how I can help you with any of the above in 2021 then get in touch and let’s get a date in the diary.

If not? No worries, more to come over the coming weeks including something rather exciting that will help you practise your communication skills in a safe space!

Much love



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