Top Tips and Successful Benefits on Mentoring = `Your`? Success....

Top Tips and Successful Benefits on Mentoring = `Your` Success....

To be more successful in business – Build up a Relationship with a Successful Mentor

I share with you my successful Mentoring Tips that leads to `your` more success in business and used by me for over 40 years successfully.

You will be fully aware that Mentoring is a relationship between two people with the goal of professional and personal development that leads to more success for you.

Top Tips and Benefits as I see them;

1.Spend time with your mentor. While this may seem painfully obvious, you aren’t going to get much out of your mentor if you do not see her/him. Make sure you have meetings on the calendar, at minimum an hour a month. If you do not, get some booked. If you and your mentor have a hard time coordinating schedules, make sure you schedule your next three meetings. Building a successful relationship = benefits for you and your business so listen and discuss the best way forward to bring the best results. Make sure you have an open mind to take new ideas on board and draw up a schedule of items to discuss and agree on them to be implemented.

2. Articulate your goals and objectives - this will lead to success.

Your mentor can only help you if your goals and strategies are known. Spend time establishing longer term career goals (what do you want to be doing in five years) and then establish with your mentor what your near term objectives are for getting there. If you have already established mentoring objectives, pull them out and see how you are progressing. Agreement on the way forward must be established to obtain successful results.

3. Come to meetings prepared. Do not show up expecting your mentor to do all of the pre-work. Make sure you have an agenda. Review your notes from the last meeting, including action items. Bring items to discuss (performance reviews, e-mail from colleague, interesting article you’ve read, etc.). Plus, address any agreed items as previously discussed with you Mentor.

4. Give your Mentor feedback. Your mentor will be much more effective if he/she knows whether his/her mentoring is effective for you. If your mentor doesn’t listen enough or tells boring stories that go nowhere, speak up. Do not waste your time or your mentor’s if things aren’t going how you would like. If things are going well, let your mentor know what is working. Agreement and building the relationship bring the best results and true benefits.

5. Have your Mentor observe you in action.

The better a mentor knows you, the better she/he can work with you. Find opportunities for your mentor to see you give a presentation, lead a meeting, or participate in a team meeting. This will give your mentor better insight into who you are as well as providing an opportunity for feedback. The closer you both become develops the best results and full benefits.

6. Ask to observe your Mentor. Some people are better showing you how to do something than explaining it. You can learn a lot by watching your mentor in important situations as well as everyday happenings. Sitting in on a meeting might shed light on a part of the organisation with which you were unfamiliar. Partnership = great benefits.

7. Ask your Mentor about his/her goals.

While much of the focus of mentoring is on you, your mentor probably has career goals as well. You can learn a lot about your mentor by discussing her/his goals. In addition, your mentor’s goals may give you new ideas for your own career path. Listening and learning new ideas are good for both.

8. Build your network.

The most successful people usually have more than one person to whom they turn for advice. Ask your mentor about people in his/her circle that you might meet. While you may not find others right away who would be good mentors for you, you will be laying the groundwork for possible future relationships while building your own social capital. Experienced and skilled successful people who are willing to help you become more successful can bring great benefits to you and your business.

9. Gain valuable advice.

Mentors can offer valuable insight into what it takes to get ahead. They can be your guide and "sounding board" for ideas, helping you decide on the best course of action in difficult situations. You may learn shortcuts that help you work more effectively and avoid "reinventing the wheel." Remember, tap into the Mentors success in business and life and take it on board for your success. By building the relationship it brings excellent benefits by being open about everything. Plus, give enough time to make it work.

10. How can I help you? 

This is a killer question that catches most mentors off guard. Most mentees are only concerned about what they can take from a mentor. When you communicate that you are genuinely willing to give, you will set yourself miles apart from everyone else. Who doesn’t like a win/win relationship?

Having a person who is willing to be your mentor is a tremendous resource. Make sure you are not using your mentor to duplicate advice you already get from others (i.e., always focusing on current issues). Use your mentor’s experience and wisdom for those big picture questions and goals that you have, and keep your eye on the future.

"Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be." 

Colin Thompson

`Mentoring that Works`

Sharing information for your success.



