Top tips to stay on top of your game!
Steve McDougal
?? Executive Coach (Side Biz). Customer Success and Renewals Leader. ?? ?? I Guide CS professionals to LAND a Dream Job, Get a PAY RISE, PROMOTION and HIGHER Career Success?? ?? Click Below to Connect
The way to stay ahead is to be true to what’s important to you!??Here are some practices for you to develop into winning habits:
Tune into your vision and magic on a regular basis.?Try journaling, vision or mood boarding once a week. ?Share your vision with your communities in your life such as your partner, family, work colleagues and boss.??Creativity is the internal fire within you that helps you to create your vision.??Reflect on your vision daily.
What is most interesting to you right now??What ideas are flowing to you???How do you want to boost your career??What passion projects do you have in mind??What ideas feel expansive to you??Which ones feel contractive? Write down all your expansive ideas once a week that you can implement regarding your current and future career.
Who do you love??What do you love doing? ?What do you hate doing??Is there something that’s blocking you giving or receiving love??Do you have some unresolved issues with people that you need to clear up??Any lingering past traumas that you haven’t faced or dealt with??Or maybe you hurt someone in your personal or work life and you have that horrible feeling.??Make a list of the unresolved issues and with whom and then go and clear them up.?The moment you clear it up I promise you that a new level of energy and a higher quality of relationships will open up.
Do you trust yourself??Are you playing a small game in life??Are you making yourself wrong about something??Start trusting and believing in your infinite abilities and energy.???Start practicing things that you want to step into.?i.e if you want to climb the ladder then start having the networking conversations, complete your CV, ask for feedback on your performance from all your peers, proactively ask your boss for the hard assignments that no one else wants to do.??Step onto that stage to do the presentation, organize an event, ask for the pay rise, go beyond your job description.
What do you see when you look in the mirror??Begin to fall in love with that person in the mirror with all your faults, lines, bumps and spots!?What affirmations do want to say to that person in the mirror???“you are amazing” “you are bold” “you are beautiful” “you have got this” “you are loved” “you are a CEO”.??Also notice when you are self-critiquing. ?This is normal.?You don’t need to listen to that little self-doubting voice!? Practice laughing at this self doubt daily!
I am putting together a masterclass in how to stay ahead in the mindset and career game. DM me with what you want to see! Also I would love to know what your top tips are for staying ahead of your game?