The Top Three Pre-Process Transformation Steps to Guarantee Success

The Top Three Pre-Process Transformation Steps to Guarantee Success

Business process transformation occurs when process components are modified to achieve new business goals.

?We typically consider process transformation a shift from manual to digital technologies and automation. In reality, it extends beyond that. Business process transformation is one of those improvements that is considered essential for business sustainability, regardless of the industry. Any company's survival is dependent on these processes.

?While many tasks must be completed during the pre-transformation phase, we will highlight the three that we believe are the most important in establishing the right conditions for a business process transformation project to succeed.

Understand The Reasons

Before beginning a process transformation, it is critical to take a step back and understand why one is being initiated. This is because, in addition to the process itself, the reasons for altering your business process are critical to the project's success, and good transformations typically begin with an assessment of the reasons.

For example, a company that must preserve data on paper may see a tremendous flood of client data. Because the business knows that the flood will not abate very soon, it must adapt its information system operations. The cost of purchasing laptops and gaining access to the cloud for heavy-duty storage may obstruct this, so the process transformation team now has a problem to solve as well as a reason to solve it.

Understanding the driving forces behind transformation can help you understand the foundational elements outside of the process that can help or hinder a transformation. The transformation team must have conducted a quick reconnaissance to understand a variety of factors, such as strategic needs, transformation alignment with business strategy, change readiness, organizational structure, current budget, metrics that top management monitors, and performance management.

Get Opinions

Most companies begin their transformations without thoroughly considering all of the variables and potential pitfalls. Members of the team may have been afraid to speak up during meetings for fear of being mocked, rejected, or penalized. This is why, before any transformational meetings begin, team leaders and stakeholders should create a psychologically safe environment for participants to play devil's advocate, raise questions, and provide opposing viewpoints.

Simply put, it is critical to value everyone's viewpoint.

The focus should be placed on escalating the opposing opinion to the key stakeholders whose opinions and buy-in are crucial for success once the core team feels psychologically secure.

?If you attend meetings for process transformation and find that everyone is on board with the project with no opposing views, you should be very concerned.

Connecting with a Bigger Goal

Imagine how people would feel if their time was spent automating the production processes of agritech companies rather than coming up with a creative fix for the issues that African agricultural manufacturing industries face. They will undoubtedly view any case from different angles.

Participants in any transformation should typically be aware of the project's objectives. But what sets apart highly effective transformations from others is that they also give the participants a sense of belonging to a bigger whole. Essentially, everyone on your transformation team should have that sentiment. They should consider themselves a part of something much bigger than just addressing a specific issue.

Once you have completed all three of these pre-process transformation actions, you will be well on your way to ensuring the success of your process transformation project. Transforming your company's process is difficult you don't have the right advice and know-how, so you shouldn't have to go it alone. To begin your business's pre- and process-transformation phases, contact #KnightandBishopConsultancy.


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