Top Ten Ways to Raise People Up
John St.James
Blending East-West Success Strategies for Your Business | Leadership Development | Business Consulting Expert
The truth is if you want to influence those around you, you need to focus on emotional engagement. It would help if you were committed to becoming:
1) A person who nurtures other people
2) A person who has faith in other people
3) A person who listens to other people
4) A person who understands other people
5) A person who recognizes other people
6) A person who acknowledges other people
7) A person who encourages other people
8) A person who builds up other people
9) A person who navigates for other people
10) A person who empowers others
But it all starts with making the definitive decision to work on your own growth and accelerate it exponentially. Otherwise, how will you raise people and encourage them to see the value in your contribution?
If you want to accelerate your growth and empower more people, you need to start with addition or, better yet, multiplication. The more people you add value to, the more your tribe will grow. Using the compound effect, it will eventually multiply exponentially. Think of it this way. First, you need to multiply, then mentor, and then motivate, including nurture.
People must be cared for, not just physically but also emotionally. At the heart of all nurturing is a genuine concern for others. Remember this: people are influenced the most by those who make them feel the best about themselves. Reread this: your job, if you want to empower others and be a catalyst for positive change, is to help people feel good about themselves. If you can do this mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, you are well on your along the Master’s Path.
But nurturing starts with you.
I have a question for you. What are you doing to grow yourself and be more of a nurturer, both to yourself and to others? What are you doing to be more of a giver than a getter? How are you adding value to others?
Quest Challenge: Adding Value to Others
What can you do today to add value to others? Use the list below today and this week to help you focus on giving for greatness.
I genuinely believe you are capable of this. To further help you, review the list below on how to become a natural nurturer. To get the most out of these tips, focus on cultivating a positive attitude and not just open-mindedness but, more importantly, other-mindedness.
Facts About Faith in People
Faith in people is an essential quality of leadership. If you want to influence others positively, you must have faith in them. Here is what I have learned in the past forty years of developing leaders:
As you consider the above, remember that faith is more than thinking something is true. Faith is thinking something is valid to the extent that you act on it. With this in mind, use the list below to become a believer in people:
JOHN ST. JAMES, Master's Path: How to Intentionally Create More Happiness, Joy, and Fulfillment in Your Life (pp. 159-163). Kindle Edition.