Top ten tips to help you propel your career in 2022

With the start of a new year comes a list of resolutions, goals and dreams that we all want to achieve within the year. Having resolutions and goal setting is one of the strategies proven to work magic when it comes to achieving anything in life. It is the time of the year that most professionals have come with a list of things they would want to do to take their careers to the next level.

If one of?your resolutions is to see a positive change in your career, here is a list of top 10 simple and achievable tips to help you get where you want to be by end of the year.

1. Have short terms goals

In the words of great American actor Denzel Washington, dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment. Therefore, it is important that whenever you have a dream you set goals to drive you towards achieving your dreams. Goals act?as a road map and offers direction on where you want to go.?Ensure that you set SMART goals so that at the end you do not find yourself in frustrations for not achieving the goals, which in the first place were over ambitious and unrealistic.

2. Love what you do

I have never seen anyone who succeeded in doing what he or she do?not love. It does not matter how many success tips or motivational speeches you are going to come across, if you are not in love with what you do then your chances of success is very slim.

3. Be willing to do more

To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. This is a mantra I so much believe in. If you are willing to sacrifice and do extra then you will have more opportunities to grow than you can imagine. If you read about or follow most of the successful professionals, you will agree with me that success is just outside of our comfort zone. Therefore, it goes without sayings that we must go beyond what we think we can do and break the boundaries we have set for ourselves.

4. Carry out periodic self-evaluations

The only way you will be able to tell if you are actually progressing is when you constantly evaluate yourself. Do an honest comparison of the person you were yesterday and today. This helps you discover what is working and what is not working for you. One key idea to help you do a successful self-evaluation is being real with yourself. I know it can be a tall order but being real and honest with yourself will help you correct your mistakes and be willing to adjust to the practices that will aid your career grow.

5. Understand your weaknesses & strengths

It is much easier to work on yourself when you have a clear understanding of what you need to work on .Take time to know your weak areas that are causing a lag in your career and intentionally do something about them. Similarly, understand your strengths and work towards being your best in those areas where you are already doing great.

6. Rethink your Network

It is one thing to network and it is another to ensure that you are actually networking with the right people. Networking is a powerful tool to help you get valuable exposure, learn new idea, share your ideas and?connect with like-minded people. Focus on building a quality network that can contribute to your career growth.

7.?Keep learning

In the words of Loyal Jack Lewman, never stop learning for when we stop learning we stop growing. Growth comes with continuous learning and if you want to grow in anything then learning is inevitable. Learn from your seniors at work; learn from industry gurus and those who have succeeded in your line of career. Always remain teachable and be willing to take corrections and critique from colleagues or supervisors.

8. Learn new skills

This is the time to go back to class and??take a new course in line with your career. Like it or not if you do not keep improving or updating your skill set then your contribution to your company is slowly becoming less important .In an increasing?competitive labor market horning your skills and learning new and more especially most sought after skills can help you really stand out in the crowd of millions of job seekers

9.?Inculcate the four: courtesy, loyalty, dependability & Humility

They may sound simple but these four attributes are very important for career growth. I am not sure if anyone will have the courage to mention your name or recommend you for a promotion if you are not courteous, loyal, dependable or humble .These values may sound simple but they can work magic in keeping your name in the good books at the workplace.

?10. Clean up your social media profiles

Today, most recruiters have turned to online recruitment as a quicker and sure way of accessing a large pool of potential candidates. Infact a recent study revealed that 77% of recruiters use search engines to learn about candidates and 35% eliminate candidates based on what was uncovered online. Take time to relook at your social media profiles and update what needs to be updated as you remove what can work against you.




Francis Warutumo M-KISM FMVA? CPSP-K

Associate | Risk Management Champion | KPMG Advisory Services Limited, IDAS | Mckinsey Forward Alumni 2022. My views are mine and I do not speak on behalf of any other entity or individual.

2 年
CPA Fredrick Wagwa,MBA

Senior Programs Accountant | Grants Management Program (GMP)

2 年

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