Top Ten reasons behind the popularity of the AngularJS framework
In the recent time, JavaScript is increasingly becoming a preferred client-side programming language for creating large-scale web applications. This dynamic framework allows developers to reduce the development time and overall cost. This is certainly a great help for the client which is looking for a professional web application development.
One of the most wanted JavaScript frameworks is the Angular.js that has various reasons behind its increasing popularity. This is an open source framework is an open source which is maintained by Google and a community of individual web developers. Although, there are many factors that contributed to its success.
1. Solid Community:
Angular has a very large community consisting people who work in the core development team and those who contribute immensely to an open-source framework those are involved. Angular is vastly popular, and there are different events conducted worldwide to make it even more popular. Moreover, there are various books and online resources based on this framework for developers.
2. Declare with Code:
AngularJS uses the declarative paradigm for making patterns. This simply means that codes are more lightweight and very easy to read. So, using this framework means web developer only need to mention the required result instead of elaborating on the detailed steps needed to achieve it.
3. Backed by Google:
AngularJS has a strong backing of Google. Moreover, developers are relieved to be working with a solid code base to offer complete support for the web development. This framework is the outcome of great work done by genius Google engineers Adam Abrons and MiskoHevery this is one of the major reasons why many professional web developers use Angular over other JavaScript frameworks.
4. Security:
When we discuss the enterprise development or transformation to a new leading technology framework, security is surely the biggest concern. Moreover, today most of the enterprises are offer focus on data security, easy access to their channels, distributors and sales team. That’s why it is important to offer the complete solution that can easily power enterprise processes and business.
5. MVC Pattern:
This framework incorporates original MVC pattern, but not as per the established standards. Normally, the web developers need to divide an application into different MVC components and then devise the essential code to unite them together. But with Angular developers just need to divide the app and rest will be taken care from there. This is mainly because Angular is quite similar to Model-View-View-Model design structure.
6. Improved Flexibility:
Filters are standalone functions that extract the data before it reaches the view. These differ the app and deal with activities like implementing, formatting decimal places on a number and reversing the text string. The filters can also be used in controllers, services, templates and even directives. These enhance flexibility allows developers to tackle HTML tables without the help of a JavaScript.
7. Edge with Modules:
AngularJS is a framework which gives an option of forming applications with the help of the combination of different modules. For example, in the case of independent modules, the developer can use Facebook login module in particular parts of the app such as login or order page. Angular can easily recognize situation independently in the situation where additional objects and also make sure togetherness of these objects and keep them together.
8. An easy option for Testing:
With the help of module separation, some specific parts of the application present in Angular JS modules can be easily be manipulated. These helpful for loading only necessary services and therefore it allows automatic testing. Moreover, if developer sticks with ‘one file, one module’ pattern, developer don’t need to about keeping module loading order to memory.
9. Ease to work with Parallel Development:
Angular give the great option to the developer to writing and code separately for the large size projects. The difference of the directives from the app code helpful for the developer to focus on the same code base at given time. Developers are allowed to reuse code without the need to bothered about the integration issues. It easily results in the faster the entire web app development process to a great measure and makes the developer’s life convenient.
10. Super User Experience:
Angular JS is awesome in making the app more visually appealing for the audience. These pages are developed to make the web app visually appealing. Moreover, it offers so many libraries, components and modules are available in the framework that also speeds up the development time.
If you want to speed up your development process, they AngularJS is surely best framework option for your project. In fact, this multifunctional framework is the best way to create single page applications wherein data and view are distinguished as per the MVC pattern. The great functionalities of the AngularJS make it as best modern day platform for the developers to work on.We will help you to hire angularjs developers globally.
Consultant .NET SharePoint O365
7 年Hello, The new Angular is no longer MVC pattern, it's a model component oriented. Best regards.