The top ten issues disrupting your lodgment workflow this deadline season.
- Evan Barker, General Manager

The top ten issues disrupting your lodgment workflow this deadline season.

Hi Synnch Partners and R&D Consultants,

The deadline season is upon us, and we wanted to offer a short distraction to explore some of the most common disruptors, blockers and issues faced by R&D (Research & Development) consultants across the industry during deadline. From our engagement across the industry, you are not alone in some of the workflow challenges, particularly at this time of year.

Workloads can be very heavy in the lead-up to the deadline, and this can be compounded by some consistent issues. We offer this list as a reminder you are not alone in facing these challenges, and we stand with you as your technology partner ready to solve these problems for you and your clients now, in FY 23, and beyond:

  1. Your client is unreachable or unresponsive.
  2. You are losing too much time chasing up records, documentation, and other evidence.
  3. Your client’s records are fragmented or incomplete.
  4. Your client has no time sheets.
  5. Your clients' records are tied up in a contractor's staff and systems.
  6. Your client just asked you to ‘just tweak last year's submission.’
  7. Your client's activities ceased to be eligible earlier in the year.
  8. Your client's key technical staff have left, along with their technical project knowledge.
  9. Your clients' eligible spending is too low to deliver ROI on your fee structure.
  10. Your client’s records do not evidence any mandatory self-assessment:

  • Background research,
  • Technical unknowns,
  • ?New knowledge,
  • Hypothesis development,
  • Experiment design,
  • Systematic progression.

If you have experienced one or more of these issues during this deadline season, Synnch is specifically designed to help.

There is a common thread among these blockers that can be tied to a disconnect between how the RDTI scheme is administered, and how the R&D Consulting industry has evolved to cope with their workflow and source data over the years.

At Synnch we understand the necessity of having access to complete records of your clients' R&D activities and intensity before allocating time and cost in preparing their claim. However, we equally understand that your client's compliance obligations must be met contemporaneously and they are already operating and innovating at full steam. We designed Synnch so R&D Consultants like you, are positioned to deliver value and expertise contemporaneously, helping your clients explore and understand their compliance obligations, and creating an efficient and compliant and comprehensive data set of their eligible activities at your fingertips.

If you are ready to join the hundreds of R&D Consultants and Advisors using Synnch to transform and digitise their service offering and streamline their workflow at deadline, please get in touch, or book a demo.

Synnch is free for R&D Consultants, Accountants and Advisors.


Evan Barker



