The Top Ten

The Top Ten

To wrap up the end of the financial year here in Australia, we looked at the ten most-read articles of FY2324. The results are an interesting mix of all we do at Barrett: from sales strategy to communication and engagement with internal teams.

Here they are:

1) A reflection on the work that we have been doing with internal teams. Further proof that everybody lives by selling something.

We’re All in Sales – An Internal Team’s Journey

2) A practical exercise we like to do at Barrett to help us understand where we are at and what we need to do to keep improving.

Reflect, Adapt, and Succeed

3) The case for developing soft skills within sales and service teams, and internal teams as well.

Nurturing Soft Skills for Business Success

4) Sales teams and operations with more women in them -and those led by a woman- outperform teams and operations with fewer women. How can we all benefit from this finding?

Women Take the Lead in Transforming Sales

5) Different leadership values bring out different qualities in people and create different cultures.

Leading With Clarity and Courage

6) Who is at the centre of your training efforts?

Mastering Human-Centred Learning

7) Sales is the bridge between a business’s strategy and its execution in the field. A well-defined sales strategy is no longer a luxury but a necessity for companies to thrive.

Sales Strategy Driving Business Success

8) We all need to know how to engage, relate, and persuade people. It’s part of life. But where (or when) are we supposed to learn how to do it effectively?

The Stuff No One Teaches You About Human Engagement

9) This quote, attributed to Robert Louis Stevenson, suggests that everyone is always selling something, whether it be a product, service, idea, or even themselves. We all need to know how to engage and communicate.

Everybody Lives by Selling Something

10) Key issues and trends regarding consumer behaviour.

What Consumers Want

Remember, everybody lives by selling something.

Author: Sue Barrett, founder and MD of Barrett

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It was a pleasure to spend a couple of days with you and be given the opportunity to learn from your experience. You delivered the training so well and kept everyone engaged the entire time. Trust me with a bunch of tradesmen turned delivery managers / business development people that’s a challenge all within itself?? I personally took multiple learnings out of the exercise and I’m sure others did also.


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