Top Tech Trends in Power Generation
Floating power generation
Solar and Wind generation is migration on water shores, literally. This means unlike conventional offshore wind turbines that require erection of concrete bases in the seabed, floating wind turbines, based on floating oil and gas offshore platform technology, are anchored into the seabed with the use of just a few cables at sites as deep as 700m [1]. This is cheaper, quicker to manufacture and can be more reliable. For example, wind power potential of deeper waters where winds are often stronger and steadier.?
With the increased use in renewable energy, storage is growing importance as sources of renewable energy is intermittent and unreliable in nature. From sand-battery storages being developed in Finland, to reverse saving in our cars, innovation and strategic decisions need to be made with regarding storing energy.
As with most industries, the increased efficiency and ability to monitor, track and control with tools such as automation and artificial intelligence is become more prevalent. With power generation systems having to be connected to software there will be a rise in software connected ESS (energy storage systems) and technology connected DERMs (distributed energy resource management systems).
Solar Panel Drive for Efficiency
Solar panels have been one of the most popular renewable energy source with one key flaw: lack of efficiency. With heat contributing to this inefficiency, which is still a matter of research, producers have arguably offsets this cost loss with innovation in its production. For example printable solar cells which uses ' semiconducting inks printed directly onto flexible stretchable thin plastic or steel, that will not only reduce the cost of solar cells but also open up a myriad of new installation options'. This means the implementation of solar panels on windows, buildings without a significant increase in cost.
There has also been development in solar voltaic glass, which 'rather than collecting photons like normal solar does, uses salts to absorb energy from non-visible wavelengths and deflects these to conventional solar cells embedded at the edge of each panel'. This maximises the energy absorbed.
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