Top Tech Products for Remote Workers
The option of working remotely has increased over the last few years. Businesses are offering work from home (WFH) possibilities as part of their packages and prospective employees are requesting it as an option as part of their terms of employment.
For those who are new to working from home, they can suddenly find their existing technology doesn’t accommodate the additional software or workload required. From home internet bandwidth issues to older PCs not capable of handling today’s security and productivity tools, customers are searching for the right products to help.
Are your sales associates equipped to handle the myriad of questions that might occur during interactions with these customers? Many will be in search of complete solutions to make the transition from working in their office to working out of their homes a successful one.
Here are some of the top tech needs of these customers:
Capable PCs
While some companies provide laptops for employees to use at home, others might provide stipends to assist with purchasing tech products, furnishings, and supplies. However, some workers are expected to provide their own equipment as part of the opportunity to work from home.
Sales associates should have a clear understanding of the types of tasks that will be required and any additional hardware or peripheral needs for WFH customers. While a top-of-the-line desktop or laptop might not be needed by all, customers definitely need ample processing power, capacity, and ports to get their jobs done from a remote location.
Thin and light laptops powered by new 10th Gen Intel? Core? processors are great options for these customers. These productivity powerhouses deliver the performance, memory, and connectivity needed to ensure your customers can tackle their work tasks from home.[1] There are plenty of other well-designed form factors available with Intel? processors and technologies that fit within most any budget range.
Wi-Fi and Connectivity
Tommy is playing Fortnite on Twitch, little Missy is busy binge-watching Friends on Netflix, and Mom is trying to download her presentation deck from the company’s server. Customers working from home while their kids are also at home and online can eat into a household’s bandwidth and Mommy’s nerves.
Attempting to work without adequate internet and Wi-Fi capabilities is incredibly frustrating. Your associates should ask what type of connectivity options are currently available and offer solutions that can help overcome issues that may arise. Modems, routers, Wi-Fi extenders, Ethernet dongles, and cables are some products that can help keep Mom’s nerves in check and create add-on sales for your associates.
External Monitors
Some laptops are available with up to 17-inch screens, but many customers might be accustomed to larger desktop monitors. Newer devices generally have the necessary ports needed for newer, larger external monitors. Associates should mention those devices with Thunderbolt? 3 technology for accommodating multiple displays through a single, compact, and fast port.
Another option associates can point out to customers is an Intel?-powered All-in-One PC. By combining an entire desktop system, speakers, and monitor into a single device, customers benefit with a larger monitor along with a space-saving design.
Sometimes printers and scanners aren’t thought about until they’re needed. Have associates ask customers if they will need a printer or scanner while working from home.
Multipurpose designs that include both print and scan capabilities are good recommendations. The benefits provided by wireless printing functionality should also be discussed with the customer.
For those accustomed to working on a desktop, an external keyboard and mouse can be helpful. Sometimes there is an increase in spacing and character errors and a reduction in speed of typing when transitioning to a laptop’s integrated keyboard and mouse.
Associates can discuss the benefits of wired and wireless keyboard and mouse options. They should also point out the ergonomic designs of each that are available in your store. Ergonomics can be crucial, particularly if the customer is putting in long hours on furniture that is not designed for work comfort.
The doorbell rings and Fluffy starts barking her head off, the kids and their friends are in the next room watching television, and the washer and dryer are in overdrive. And yet conference calls are on the schedule, the status update report is due tomorrow, and the list goes on and on.
Customers might not have thought about the noises at home that can break their concentration or go out over the airwaves while participating in a meeting on speakerphone. Headsets are key elements needed in a remote working environment. They can help with the clarity of phone calls and reduce or eliminate the external noises that are easily heard when using a speakerphone. Noise-canceling headsets are essential for those who need quiet in order to concentrate or be productive.
Again, your sales team should review available headset options with customers to determine those that best fit their needs and budgets.
Other Considerations
There are plenty of other tech products that can make working from home more productive. Web cams, portable hard drives, flash drives, surge protectors, and docking stations are a few examples. Many customers will be in search of traditional or standing desks, chairs, lap desks, and other furnishings and accessories to create a more comfortable work environment.
These items present additional opportunities for associates to deliver complete solutions to those shopping in your store.
Is Your Team Prepared?
Some customers might be under the assumption a desktop is the only PC that can handle the workload of, well, work. The latest capabilities and innovations available in 2 in 1s, thin and lights, and laptops powered by 10th Gen Intel? Core? processors deliver the performance needed for WFH customers.[1]
Ensure your sales associates are prepared to deal with the varying needs of all customers by participating in the Intel? Retail Edge Program. They’ll have access to the latest information on Intel? products and technologies and sales tools to help them make the best recommendations based on the what each customer wants and needs.
This article originally appeared here on the Intel? Retail Edge blog for managers.
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1 Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel? microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations, and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the performance of that product when combined with other products. For more information go to
Intel? technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software, or service activation. Performance varies depending on system configuration. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at
? Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.
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