Did you ever wonder how people become successful?
Is it some secret club with a hidden code they all have access to? Is it that only very elite people are privy to this information? Why is it that the people on the top just seem to be successful without even trying? It’s almost as if they have a golden goose that lays the golden egg.
Well, in my 30 plus years of being an entrepreneur I have had failures and successes, what I have discovered is that there is a secret strategy. Before I reveal that secret, I need to back up a bit and tell you my story, we all have one, right? Well this is mine.
I have lived a modest life, grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and had a pretty decent childhood as far as childhoods go. I saw my mom as a housewife, cooking and cleaning taking care of kids, my father I never really saw. My parents divorced when I was 7 years old, the one thing I always remember after all these years, was my father was never happy with life. He always seemed unsatisfied, tired, and worn out.
The other thing I remember, even as a young child of 5, my father always tried to get rich. He would try to find the overnight success, the magic beans! Even after all the lotions and potions, other ideas, the water filter, knives, and so much more, he never truly found happiness or the type of success he was striving for.
Listen I am a dreamer, a big one at that, but my father never found the secret strategy, that’s why he couldn’t achieve the success he desired.
The bottom line is simply this, there is no get rich plan, it simply doesn’t exist. Anything worthwhile takes, time, money and lots of energy. Sometimes it pays off, and sometimes it doesn’t.
What I do know is with 100% surety that if you don’t get up to bat you can’t hit a home run. So, in other words no risk no reward.
That’s because we are chasing the American dream with no real directions or blueprint, most of it is luck or being in the right place with the right people. Most call this chance meeting a coincidence, I call it a divine opportunity.
I frequently watch the hit show the Profit, starring Marcus Lemonis on CNBC. The one pattern that I found that each of the business owners possess is that they all have personal issues. Your personal issues don’t go away just because you start a business. Typically, what ends up happening to most us is more junk piles on top of our already hectic lives, so now you have personal and business issues to deal with.
So back to the show the Profit;
Marcus examines a business and looks at the people, process and profit margins, and then determines if he wants to take the business and try to save it. Most owners when they call him for help are just weeks away from closing their doors and claiming bankruptcy.
Most of the businesses have the same issues, poor decision making, wrong employees or management, not enough margin, growing too fast, not enough capital, too much debt, or they have a big ego and not willing to change.
He then explores their operations and books to determine if he wants to make a deal. For the most part he decides to move forward, he is a very compassionate person and so what sells him is the passion that these people have and of course the potential of the deal.
He then makes a deal and he is in charge and that’s when all the issues come up. Remember the only thing that changed was Marcus came in, gave them money, paid off their debt, gave them connections, improved their operations and increase their profit margins.
Now I know your probably thinking that’s great where’s the problem? It’s all great until he leaves and then they are on their own, most of them undo what he did within weeks. Many go back to their old ways, and behavior. If the root areas of their problems are not met, then the old mindsets and patterns will rise.
So really all Marcus is doing, although great from a business perspective is cover up the main issues. It’s like giving a sick person a pill but never getting to the root cause that caused the sickness in the first place.
I believe most disease is caused from root areas like forgiveness, emotional trauma, wrong words and thoughts and partnering with the disease in the first place. Same with your business, if you just mask the issues nothing will change. You may have temporary results, but it usually doesn’t last. If the root area doesn’t get addressed, then the issues usually come back in one form or another. This is the same with business. If you just treat the business from the surface and don’t get down to the root area of why the business is in the condition it is in the first place. Nothing Marcus or anyone does will ever really make a difference not on a long-term level. It’s like getting your car fixed, it the engine is not working, and you only paint the car to make it look good, the car will not continue, it will no longer perform you never got under the hood only the outside of the car was changed, not what really needed the transformation which was the engine. So, the business owners are still the same old mess, with the same mindsets, patterns, characteristics and habits, they were before Marcus partnered with them. Many times, he quits working with the business and walks away because of the drama or lack of change or consistency.
I am 100% convinced if you do the following:
· Address people from the place they are emotionally
· Help them heal from relationships or traumas
· Train them how to let go of old patterns , mindsets and beliefs
· Reprogram them to success and exchange the lies for the truth
· Help them detach from their false identities
They will not only achieve success, but they will keep it.
I truly believe your mind is either your best friend or your worst enemy.
· Imagine making better more decisive choices.
· What would your life look like if you changed your words?
· How happy will you be when your business thrives without any additional effort or labor? By making better choices because you are more emotionally stable.
· Imagine what it would look like to have a happy healthy environment to work and live in.
· Imagine having a MINDSET that can take your business/life to a new level of success with no limits.
If you are ready for a change then you need DIRECT
A new approach to success, that gets to the root cause to ensure you have the right mindset, beliefs and patterns, that will dramatically transform your life in every way.
Listen anyone can come up with a great business or idea, but if you have a poor mindset then all bets are off, you will not succeed to your highest potential, because your own thoughts will sabotage your success and beliefs and choices.
Introducing your answer to having a happy, healthier, more successful life…
DIRECT is a proprietary, Methodology, that eliminates the old mindsets beliefs and patterns so you can have and keep success.
D-Detach from old patterns and beliefs
I-Identify who you are
R-Reprogram your mindset and exchange lies for truth
E-Eliminate fear and lack
C-Create new opportunities with new outcomes
T-Train your thoughts and words to create success and make better choices
If you know you’re not operating in your highest potential and achieving success in your business, health, wealth or relationships, then it may very well be your mindset and you need to DIRECT your life.
For more help contact me [email protected]
This may very well be what you been waiting for…
God Bless
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