Top Strategic Predictions for 2020 (source - Gartner)
By 2020, 100 million consumers will shop in augmented reality.
By 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen.
By 2019, 20% of brands will abandon their mobile apps.
By 2020, algorithms will positively alter the behavior of over 1 billion global workers.
By 2022, a blockchain-based business will be worth $10 billion.
By 2021, 20% of all activities an individual engages in will involve at least one of the top-seven digital giants.
Through 2019, every $1 enterprises invest in innovation will require an additional $7 in core execution.
Through 2020, the Internet of Things (IoT) will increase data center storage demand by less than 3%.
By 2022, IoT will save consumers and businesses $1 trillion a year in maintenance, services and consumables.
By 2020, 40% of employees can cut their healthcare costs by wearing a fitness tracker.