TOP SKILLS OF THE FUTURE: Leadership & Innovation
Maria G. Burns, Ph.D.
Program Director & Tenure Track Faculty. UH, Cullen College of Eng., Tech Division
(By Maria Burns, January 18, 2024)
RE-SKILLING is the hottest buzzword for executives and scholars, seeking to forecast the new demand for future career paths and skills. To keep abreast of unprecedented changes in the world of AI, IoT, Deep Learning, etc., professionals must be RESKILLED, shape new strategic goals, and catch up with a steep and high learning curve. The revolutionary advances in AI suggest that successful professionals will need to up their STEM skills and collaborate with high-tech.
It is with deep contentment that I read the latest forecasts from several authoritative sources under the United Nations and the U.S. Government:
The top 10 Skills of the Future include:
The TLIM Program (Technology Leadership & Innovation Management) was created to satisfy exactly these skills, and train students for the next generation of Leaders, Innovators, Problem Solvers, and Project Managers. The world will always promote innovators, leaders, and problem solvers.
By 2025, 50% of global employees will need re-skilling to adapt to new technologies and working protocols.
Self-Management, People-Management, and Project Management are some of the required skills.
Are you ready for these changes? Are you interested in re-skilling your career? The TLIM Program helps you enhance these skills, and offers many exciting opportunities for you: