Top Sketches Animation in Extension Warehouse
MeshKit lets you create models in Sketch Up and mesh with a number of quality mesh generators, including Gmsh Netgen TetGen FRGEN3D SnappyHexMesh for Open FOAM (under development – coming soon in version 4.x) Foamy Hex Mesh for Open FOAM (under development – coming soon in version 4.x) Create meshes directly from Sketch Up suitable for use with finite element, finite volume, or other analysis methods.
This makes performing CFD calculations on Sketch Up models extremely simple and efficient. This tool provides a way to very quickly set up models for analysis with any number of numerical methods.
I often use MeshKit with the excellent, free, and open-source multi-physics package, Open FOAM, but it also works great with Fluent, Ansys, LS-DYNA, CFX, Star-CCM+, Elmer Multiphysics, and others.
CLF Camera Recorder
Imagine if your mouse becomes a camera. Don’t worry this software helps to do the unthinkable. Extension records the navigating of a model and turns each frame into a scene to be made into a movie from within Sketch-up.