Top secrets to nailing your Skype interview
With the increasing number of employers using Skype as a means to conduct their first-round interviews, it is advisable to take your digital interviewing skills to the next level.
Skype is free, fast and flexible, making digital interviews increasingly popular with companies of all sizes. Amy Edwards, an experienced SEO and content manager states, "employers may want to make use of Skype interviews to reduce their costs and maximise their time and resources when it comes to taking on new staff".
Dress to impress (not distract)
Job search expert Alison Doyle draws attention to the fact that it is important to dress professionally (from head to toe). In addition to this, it is crucial to make sure what you are wearing works for video. "Certain colours, like many shades of blue—royal, navy, sky blue—look great on video, while others like reds and hot colours like magenta can be too bright", says Doyle.
Master the digital handshake
First impressions matter, and just like an in-person interview the first five seconds can make or break your digital interview. So what is the first step in creating digital chemistry? Well, as Paul Bailo, author of The essential digital interview handbook states, digital chemistry involves the candidate giving a slow, confident, professional, firm nod with “a slight shoulder bend and eyes forward—the other person should not see the top of your head.” When you can not greet an employer in person, this simple gesture shows that you are excited to get started and ready to get down to business.
Also, remember to look straight into the camera (and do not focus on the view from your screen). By doing this the employer will feel like you are looking straight at them which in turn makes the digital interview process more personal.
Remember body language
A colleague once shared that someone that they were Skype interviewing was so motionless that they thought for a while that the screen was frozen. Lesson learned. Make sure that you lean forward and show enthusiasm and willingness to listen. This will engage your audience and make you stand out. However, be careful not to overdo excessive physical movements.
Get rid of distractions
Look behind you, because that is what the interviewer will see. A cluttered background may be distracting for your audience and may also bring into question your organisational skills. A blank or neural background is ideal for a Skype interview.
Practice makes perfect
If you are engaging in your first ever Skype interview it is normal to feel nervous. Not knowing what to do with your hands, where to look or how loudly to speak can make an upcoming interview feel daunting. Luckily it is easy to overcome this fear ahead of time. Before the interview, it is a good idea to set up a practice interview with a friend. This way you can get a good idea of how you come across on video and you can repeat the process until you feel confident with the result.
Remember to smile
The old saying "you're never fully dressed without a smile" rings true for Skype interviews too. Smiling is very important as it is the best way to break the ice and develop a personal connection with your interviewer. In addition to smiling it is advisable to interject listening sounds ("hmm" or "yes") as your interviewer speaks. This will reassure the interviewer that technology is working properly and show them that you are listening to what they have to say.