Top reasons why visitors leave your website in 10 seconds
UI not Responsive: If visitors are browsing your site and noticed that it is not responsive. The Visitor will leave your website without spending more time.
Immediate registration demands: Timing is everything, so never ask for details of visitor immediately.
Slow load times: Don’t make visitors wait! If visitors really want or need to visit your website then visitor might wait, but if he is just curious or has clicked a link on impulse then he is more likely to leave.
Lots of Popups: Don't add unnecessary pop-ups in your website.
Auto sound: When a visitor browses your website and instantly get an unwanted cacophony of nasty sound he tends to leave immediately.
Ads vs content: Never prioritizes ads over content.
Stupid Scrolling text: If a visitor sees the scrolling text on your website with high scrolling speed which makes text unreadable, the visitor will lost his interest in looking your remaining website.
No theme: If a website carries multiple types of fonts and font colors, then it makes your website ignorant.
A lack of clarity: When a visitor visits a website for the first time he needs to be able to tell what that company does within seconds. A representative, meaningful, understandable English is a key.