Top Reasons to use PHP for Web development
Tarun Nagar
CEO at Dev Technosys | Mobile App Development | Website Development | Software Deveopment | Blockchain Development
Most of the programmers often tend to learn more and more programming languages. With the ever-increasing usage of internet, programmers like to create more online applications. At present, there are different languages for web development which developers choose such as ASP, CGI, and PHP. PHP programming language is currently the most widely used language among the different web programming languages.
In this present era, having the complete knowledge of PHP scripting language is considered to be the most demand skill for web developers. PHP is the most widely utilized scripting language, and it is gaining popularity over the years.
Reasons Why to Use PHP for Web Development
1. Simplicity and Ease of Learning
Considered to be among the easiest web development programming language to learn, PHP is widely simply to create websites that allow the developer to get hold of web development quickly. It is quite similar to Java and C hence if a developers know how to exactly code in Java and C, he can easily and quickly learn PHP too.
2. Support Structure
You can easily find full support in case you get stuck in any type of problem or error while you are writing in PHP scripting language. You can certainly search how to learn this language with ease since PHP is the most commonly used language all over the world.
You can easily find all of the documentation online of PHP without any cost as it is free and open-source. This is why it is one of the key reasons that PHP is currently the best programming language for web development. It has the largest user base. This helps any PHP development company.
3. Speed
It is quite faster than any other type of scripting language since it doesn’t need a lot of resources of the system. Even running with different other software without actually getting slow and also making other processes slow. A website essentially made in PHP is quite easy to get hosted and even be more supportive.
4. Absence of Limits
PHP provides much more freedom than ASPX as it is an open-source language and you can easily find text editor free and easily like Notepad and more advanced editors along with more functionalities like jEdit, Notebook++, Bluefish and Emacs. Hire PHP developer who is capable of working on these editors.
As far as other programming languages like ASPX is concerned, they are only limited to Visual Studio for Microsoft. There is no restrictions in PHP when it comes to web development. Also, you can run PHP on different platforms like Windows, Mac OSX, Linux and UNIX quite easily. It provides freedom for developers.
5. Maintenance
Every developer wishes to develop applications using that programming language which is quite easy to find as well as fix any error or even fail. So, PHP cleans up and then essentially starts over with each request.
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6. Open Source and Free
PHP is free, and there isn’t any pricing using PHP, for its documentation or with the scripting language. It is quite clear that PHP is the best programming language for the purpose of web development.
In comparison to other scripting languages like ASP, JSP, which require paid hosting, PHP doesn’t require the developer to buy any type of licences, and there is no type of restrictions or any type of fees which is involved. It is 100% free, and anyone can use this language for web development.
7. Ease of Integration
At present, over 30% of all the web is covered by PHP. It can easily be integrated with different systems. Almost every field, as well as industry, uses PHP for their own application.
All of them, whether they are government or private organizations, small or large businesses, PHP is used by all of them. That is why organizations consider it is the best programming language for web development.
8. Popular Frameworks
PHP community is quite vast as well as large which makes easy availability of a large number of PHP frameworks. You can easily find any type of helping hand by simply using PHP frameworks. This is another prominent advantage of using PHP.
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9. Scalability
It is the most vital feature of PHP whether it comes to databases, hosting or even programming. It provides the required scalability and allows the developer to increase the size of the entire clusters. You can easily add a number of servers as per the demand of the project and its growth.
10. Object-Oriented Language
Object-Oriented Programming or OOP is the latest concept which gives all the necessary advantages. It reduces the line of codes as well as reuse of classes, and all these features which every developer wishes to use while development of the application.
PHP offers the developer with this particular advantage of reusing different other language classes which are written in either Windows COM objects or Java. Creation of custom classes is the major advantage for any PHP developer.
A custom class is a particular class which other classes can easily borrow, so it extends the overall capabilities of PHP much more. Hire PHP programmers who are well-versed with these custom classes.
PHP is certainly the most widely used web programming language. It is easy to use, and speed is quite high. It comes with different popular frameworks and scalability allows the developer to meet the requirements of the project growth.
Maintenance is quite easy, and it is free as well as open source. It provides ease of integration. These are the few features which make PHP the most popular language.
All these above-mentioned reasons are few of the benefits and advantages that PHP scripting language possess in comparison to other programming languages, and hence it is the best programming language for web development.
PHP is loved by millions of developers and programmers out there in the market as it helps all kinds of organization in order to extend their own creativity to a whole new level while projecting a completely absolute revolution.