I know ya'll been waiting in front of your computers, checking your LinkedIn updates for this Annual Event.
First I want to say that everyone in our wonderful Insurance Profession has worked harder and spent more time doing less. Technology has become an everyday changing tool to enhance your business. That is why this years list might look a little different than in the past.
This year the old engrained 2nd and 3rd generation Public Adjustment Company has been shown that your ways of old are long gone, and the people that think they are the new sheriff, well good luck with that.
I warned the old schoolers years ago when I cherry picked this recession proof career, that our end of the business will become slowly pushed more and more legal and if you do not see this and change your business model, you will be forced out by carriers real soon.
It is getting harder and harder to settle claims. Almost every step there is resistance. Carriers know that a $25,000 claim by an insured for damage, after the numerous inspections, antagonistic questioning, building experts dragging the file along, YOU the PA are now the problem for everything that happens in the world. Finally the carrier is willing to pay $14,000. Now you have to deal with a pissed off insured that hates you while the only thing that came true was that "your insurance company is going to try and screw you, that's why you hire a Public Adjuster". Now you have to ask for you fee.....Good Luck!
Older firms tell me they only want commercial business. They only want Tree on House. They only take large losses, When a homeowner calls you help them. That is our oath. Your business practice is your and your alone. Soon the referral fees will be eliminated and these antiquated ways of doing business will be extinct like the ones practicing. Those small losses are what's going to be the downfall to Public Adjusting. Every firm, if they are so good, take the small claim and help your profession.
As we become more legal, I see appraisal becoming more relevant. Appraisal is not perfect but it must be forced into the courts brain that these cases are for taxpayers and insureds. Both pay the Judges salary or elect them.
Bad Experience:
I had a fire claim February 2016. Huge multi-family residence. Three special needs children. The family was under insured on the ALE so there was an urgency to clean up the home. Bottom line $66,000 for rebuild/ $0 ALE/ $25,000 contents $17,000 mitigation.
My estimate was for $175,000 rebuild/ $75,000 mitigation/ $50,000 contents.
April 2016 we request appraisal. September we were to go to court to nominate an Umpire. That date was cancelled. October 2016, postponed till January 25th 2017. The crazy thing is that the court ordered the umpire in December 2016 without any input from the insured. The court, not knowing the rules, appointed someone from far far away. That's a no-no. Now we are supposedly going to court January 25th 2017 to appoint an umpire for a fire a year later.
The Good:
Claim came in November 28th 2016 from a taxpayer in Brooklyn. Beautiful old house in my old neighborhood in Flatbush. The State Farm adjuster obviously had a $25k limit. There was additional damage, so we called it in. No called back. We sent an email. No one responded. The homeowner, 92 year old WWII Veteran was distraught. We requested appraisal on January 21, 2017. State Farm's appraiser and I met at the property and I believe we were able to settle the claim with no umpire. $70k new money within 90 days.
Lets get to the good stuff. TOP 10 PUBLIC ADJUSTMENT COMPANIES IN 2016
10) ALEX N SILL AND CO: A midwest staple that keeps up with the times
8) SOVEREIGN ADJUSTMENTS EAST: Not too many Public Adjustment firms are retained by a Municipality referred by an agent FOR NO REFERRAL FEE. My services are referred so there are Thank You's not F-You's.
7) AFFILIATED ADJUSTMENT GROUP (AAG): Older you get the further down the ladder you fall.
6) M. MILLER AND SONS: Constantly busy and always on the cutting edge of claims technology and knowledge.
5) NATIONAL FIRE ADJUSTMENT CO NFA: Number one last year, the Pope had something to do with that. This year Mr Papa didn't slow down, he's helping our profession by advocating on our behalf to the lawmakers and our obstacles to balancing the scales with the carriers
4) QUALITY CLAIMS MANAGEMENT CORP: Ron has a tight ship. His client interactive ability on his website will become mainstream. I know I'm calling my web guy ASAP.
3) SWIRLING MILTON WINNICK PUBLIC INSURANCE ADJUSTERS: Diane's wisdom and expertise has landed her in the NAPIA Presidents seat. For this alone, SMW jumps up to the top three.
2) ADJUSTERS INTERNATIONAL GOODMAN GABLE GOULD: Mr. G is still by far the best Public Adjuster in this field. Nuff Said.
1) TUTWILER AND ASSOCIATES: These guys are omnipresent. The loyalty, dedication, knowledge, and results are the key components to making it to the top for this group.
I know y'all cant wait for 2018s
Public Adjuster, LL.M. candidate at University of London, and J.D. at Quinnipiac School of Law, CPAU
8 年Hi Scott! Congratulations on the article. Funny and well written! We at the Public's Adjuster, pride ourselves for being able to help insureds with their claims, no matter the size, revert denials with research and a thorough analysis of their coverage, its endorsements and applicable law. We are proud to be one of the most recognized Public Adjustment companies in Connecticut by offering our clients what they need, when they need and advocating for them throughout the process. We sign a large number of claims that have been rejected by other PA firms and we turn the claims into something that is fair and equitable for our clients. We are working hard to be part of this list as well! Best regards, Juliana Castro (203)993-5010
President @ Complete General Contractors, Inc. | Restoration, Project Management
8 年Interesting I know I have seen Don Lamont and Clay Morrison on a bunch of stuff as well. I wonder how you compile your list? Not that I disagree with it
I received an abrasive call questioning the methodology for comprising this years TOP 10 PUBLIC ADJUSTMENT FIRMS OF 2016, So I told him its the same group that runs the Miss America padgent, PwC. While I'm being deposed by this sad excuse for a Public Advocate, he's angry not making "the list". This is definitely the guy that complained about waiting on line at a club while other people are "cutting" him. Sadly, angry and heated I had no more time to toy with this clown so I politely asked him to try harder and maybe next year, thats when he really went ballistic. See ya'll next year.