Top Programming Language Trends in 2023
Python will continue to dominate, PHP will keep slipping in popularity, and we might see less interest in Java. That, in a nutshell, summarizes some of the critical programming language trends that are likely to play out in 2023. Let’s look at a few popular languages and make predictions about them for the next twelve months.
Python Remains Popular
Perhaps the least surprising — but noteworthy — programming language trend we anticipate for 2023 is continuing popularity of Python. This general-purpose programming language has become the world's most popular language in recent years. There are several reasons for this:
PHP Declining Popularity
Another continuing programming language trend that is unlikely to end in 2023 is PHP's decline. The language that was foundational in building the modern, interactive web is no longer as popular as it once was.
That doesn't mean PHP will disappear entirely. Don't expect platforms such as WordPress to switch to a new language anytime soon. But do expect to see increasingly few new projects using PHP.
Java Won’t Be as Popular as It Was
In a similar vein, Java — a language central to the emergence of the software industry as we know it today — increasingly appears to be past its prime.
Java slipped out of the top spot on the TIOBE index — a position it had held for nearly two decades — a couple of years ago. As of 2023, there's every indication that Java won’t recover the top spot.
Although Java will likely remain widespread over the coming year, it's hard to imagine it returning to its former stature as one of the most popular languages. On the contrary, we suspect Java will continue to decline in popularity over the coming year and beyond.
Rust Remains Hot
Statistically speaking, Rust, the open-source language focused on security and efficiency, remains relatively unpopular, with a twentieth-place ranking on the TIOBE Index. But Rust has a strong following of devoted acolytes. It's the "most loved" programming language according to Stack Overflow, even if it's not the most commonly used.
We expect that trend to hold for 2023 — not only because of Rust's strong community but also because Rust has obvious appeal in a world where cybersecurity challenges remain widespread. Using Rust won't guarantee protection against attacks, but it's one step developers can take to make their software more secure.
Everyone Always Loves C
A last-but-not-least programming language trend to watch in 2023 is the persistent popularity of C. C's not quite as popular as Python, but it's close. C has now been around for over a half-century — making it nearly twice as old as Python and Java.
C stands out as a tried-and-true stalwart language that will probably retain its central importance to software development for decades. C would be a good choice if you had to choose the single most important language to learn for the long term.
There you have it: the top programming language trends to expect to play out over the coming year.
Admittedly, we don't foresee any earth-shattering changes in software development in 2023. We'll mostly see more of the same trends that have been in place for the past few years.