Top Programming Interview Questions
0. Arrays
- How do you remove duplicates from an array?
- How do you reverse an array?
- How do you find the 2nd largest number in an unsorted integer array?
- How is an array sorted using quick-sort?
- How do you compare two arrays?
1. Linked Lists
- How do you reverse a linked list?
- How do you find the length of a linked list?
- How are duplicate nodes removed in an unsorted linked list?
- How do you find the third node from the end?
2. Strings
- How do you find duplicate characters in strings?
- How can a given string be reversed?
- How do you check if a string contains only digits?
- How do you find first non-repeated character?
3. DateTime
- How do you find duplicate characters in strings?
- How can a given string be reversed?
- How do you check if a string contains only digits?
- How do you find first non-repeated character?
3. Binary Trees / Heaps
- What is the difference between a binary tree and a heap?
- How is a binary search tree implemented?
- How are all leaves of a binary tree printed?
- How do you traverse a binary tree in post order traversal?
- How do you check if a tree is binary search tree?
4. Miscellaneous
- How do you find prime factors of an integer?
- How do you implement insertion sort?
- How do you check whether a number is a power of 2?
- How do you check if a number is binary?
- How is a merge sort algorithm implemented?
- How to find the largest of three integers?
- How do you perform a binary search on a given array?
- How do you implement bucket sort algorithm?
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