Top It Off and Cover It Up
We loved our roof and the beautiful shingles! With the downpour that Houston was experiencing, we were eager to get the dormers and garage roofing complete. It took quite a while, but the Tyvek was finally in place and the shingles covered all but a few key areas that would not be roofed until later in the job.
I chose a dark bronze for the standing seam metal roofing that would also serve as an accent roof in a few areas, but it would be months before this would come into place. With all of the rain, there were multiple leaks and we were worried that the decking and framing wouldn’t hold up to the weather. There wasn’t much to be done but hope for dry weather and sunny days.
Even though there was nothing of importance that could be damaged (we only had wood and concrete), I was awfully discouraged by all the mud. Even in all of my trips to Ketchikan, Alaska, I had not been cured of my dislike of rain and mud. I had two pairs of mud boots and Jon had a pair of work boots that we kept in boxes in our cars with spare socks and shoes to change in and out of while at the job site.
Standing in our boots and in the rain, we admired our shingles and our complicated, but lovely roofline. As I mentioned in the last post, our dormers weren’t built properly so we had to tear down the roofing to rebuild them. Seeing the rebuilt product (with shingles and all) definitely put a smile on our faces. Progress was being made, just not as quickly as we liked. We were still hoping that not-so-rainy weather would grace us soon.
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