TOP November 2024 City Centre Retail Spend Insights.
SALES ACROSS UK TOWNS AND CITIES DURING NOVEMBER ROSE ANNUALLY BY +1% FROM NOVEMBER 2023. THIS WAS A SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT ON NOVEMBER LAST YEAR WHEN SALES WERE -2.2% LOWER THAN IN NOVEMBER 2022. November was also the first month since March in which sales were higher than the same month in 2023.
According to Diane Wehrle, of Rendle Intelligence and Insights & Beauclair’s Brand Ambassador.??
Early indications suggest that Black Friday was successful – with increased sales and footfall from Black Friday last year – so this is likely to have provided a boost to the month.
As has been the case in previous months during 2024, it was an increase in the average transaction value (ATV) that supported sales whilst customer numbers declined; the ATV rose by +1.9% annually in November, whilst both the number of customers and the number of transactions were lower than in November 2023 (-2.3% and -0.9% respectively).? Indeed, this is substantiated by data on footfall into high street stores, which was -3.7% below the November 2023 level (Sensormatic).
The drivers of sales in November 2024 contrast very clearly with November 2023 which saw a drop in sales, transactions and ATV despite an increase in customer numbers.
The performance of the 5 dominant retail sectors (Fashion, Food & Drink, General Retail, Grocery and Health & Beauty) diverges. The priorities for shoppers during November continued to be Food & Drink and Health & Beauty, both of which recorded annual increases in sales (+3.0% and +0.5% respectively). ?Of the other three sectors, Fashion was the poorest performer with an annual drop in sales during November of -3.2%. General Retail and Grocery suffered smaller monthly sales decreases of -0.1% and –1.4%, respectively. Indeed, over the year-to-date Fashion sales are -5.5% below the 2023 level, while the average annual change for the year to date across the other four sectors of Food & Drink, General Retail, Grocery and Health & Beauty was stronger at -0.8%.
Inevitably, our focus now turns to what we might expect in terms of town centre sales during December 2024. The more positive result for November, together with a weak comparable in December 2023 (-3.7% year on year), provides a good omen for what is the most critical trading month of the year for many town centres.? However, with a clear polarisation in shoppers’ priorities away from fashion and towards experience and self-care, the success of a town centre will more than ever hinge on making sure that its offer matches the requirements of its individual catchment area.
This article was first found on the Beauclair Data website: