Top Notes from Iran Daily Summary published on 19 January 2023.

Top Notes from Iran Daily Summary published on 19 January 2023.

Excerpts from Daily Summary published on 19 January 2023.

  • Iran’s Promised ‘Reciprocal Measures’ after EU’s Anti-IRGC Resolution: Soon after the EU Parliament adopted a resolution calling on member states to designate the IRGC as a terrorist organization, Iran condemned the measure, warning about regional and international “consequences” of the resolution. Iranian officials have also promised—or threatened—reciprocal measures against EU members.
  • Iran Snubbing Swiss Alp by Choice or Being Snubbed?: Iran’s absence at the World Economic Forum in Davos has pundits wondering if it is yet another indication of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s deepening international isolation.
  • Exam Questions Leaked on Internet, despite Security Measures: Iranian officials are denying reports that questions from the college entrance exam, known as the konkur, were leaked on the Internet. The incident could erode public trust in the testing system and prompt questions about the influence of the “konkur mafia” over the exam.
  • New Opposition Campaign Getting under Nezam’s Skin: What appears like growing solidarity among dissidents and opposition groups abroad in the face of the Islamic Republic is causing discomfort to Nezam loyalists. This is especially true of the hardline camp, which resorts to ad hominem attacks in an effort to diminish the royal family.

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