In Iran's Daily Summary Published on 24 FEB 2023:
- Message from Pulpit: Instability? What Instability?: The message from the pulpits this Friday is that in spite of the economic and culture wars waged against the Nezam, the Islamic Republic remains powerful and stable thanks to people’s sacrifices, the Revolutionary Guards, and the “beloved” leader—though not necessarily in that order.
- Words of Advice for Nezam in Post-Protest Environment: A rare study conducted by a research institute affiliated with the ministry of science, research, and technology advises authorities to stop resisting the demands of protesters for change, or else they will end up with a revolution.
- Reformists Talk of ‘Coalition’ as Hardliners Lash Out at Opposition: While former president Mohammad Khatami is warning about the polarized atmosphere in the country, some reformists and moderates are discussing the establishment of a “moderate coalition.” At the same time, hardliners are sharpening their criticism of regime opponents, particularly degrading women in the foreign-based coalition.
- Nezam Sacrifices Historical Linguistic, Cultural Ties in Afghanistan: With its overture to the Taliban—the handover of the Afghanistan embassy in Tehran—the Islamic Republic has squandered goodwill and influence among Afghanistan’s Persian speakers, whom the Taliban continue to persecute. So say Afghan pundits, who hope Iran will reconsider.