The Top Mindset Shifts All Authors Need to Make

The Top Mindset Shifts All Authors Need to Make

In many of the workshops and masterclasses I teach on book marketing, there are 3 key pillars/secrets/strategies I focus on.

  1. Clarity
  2. Investment
  3. Mindset

All three of these are needed for a success book marketing strategy, and they are all equally important.

But Mindset always ends up being tricky for authors to get their head around.

If you've struggled with a marketing mindset, here are four tips to keep in mind.

Top Four Marketing Mindset Tips

Own your message

You have just written 200+ pages about your area of expertise, or a story you created from scratch, and you need to own it!

Be proud of the work you've done.

Have confidence in yourself as an expert and a creative person.

Lead with the transformation first

When you're sharing about your book, showcase what your book can provide your reader.

Show them the impact it will have on their life or their work.

Think about it this way: instead of selling a book, sell an outcome.

Instead of viewing yourself as a slimy salesperson, view yourself as the #1 expert in your field who has a solution to a problem.

This post is a great example for how a nonfiction author can lead with the transformation their book provides in their social media marketing strategy.

Be authentic

A common misconception is that marketing needs to be uncomfortable and salesy, but the best marketing happens when an author is authentic to themselves.

Find ways to talk about your book that feel right and reflect your personality.

At the end of the day, people like buying from people that they know and trust, and authenticity helps build that connection.

This post is a great example for how any author can share about their book authentically in their social media marketing strategy.

Know when to take off your author hat and put on your marketer hat

For many authors the writing part is easy. It’s the selling that gets hard.

Think about wearing different hats--there is a time to be an author, but also a time to be a marketer.

Even if it's just one hour each week, make sure you're spending time focusing on marketing and doing even one thing to get your book in front of more people.

How mindset can lead to success

One analogy I've used when it comes to mindset is this:

If you went to a concert to see a musician perform and they mumbled through most of their set, would you stay and listen or get up and leave?

As an author you are the lead singer of your project. Maybe you have some musicians (a publisher) backing you up, but it's you that the crowd came here to see.

When you show up with confidence and talk about your book in a way that connects with your target reader, you'll begin to attract more readers and get closer to your goals.

If you want to land more speaking gigs, you need to show you can share stories and ignite inspiration.

If you want to land more clients or customers, you need to show you are the #1 expert in your field.

If you want grow your social media following or email list, you need to show your personality and build a meaningful community.

Start putting this into practice

I am covering all three of the marketing pillars listed at the beginning of this newsletter in my 60-Day Book Marketing Bootcamp.

The program spans 8 weeks, and we'll be diving deep into the following topics:

  • Messaging
  • Social Media
  • Email Newsletter
  • Marketing Plan Format
  • Advertising
  • Community, Influencers, Reviews
  • Metadata
  • Marketing Long-Term

Each week looks like this:

  • 1-hour live lesson (focusing on one of the topics above) that happens on a Monday
  • I'll give a homework assignment so you can get started in real-time on putting your marketing plan together
  • Most weeks I'll provide you with bonus video tutorials and templates to give you a boost
  • 1-hour live Q&A on a Friday where you can ask for feedback on your homework, and ask specific questions about your book and author brand

This is 16 total hours of direct access to a book marketing and publishing pro! Plus, you leave the bootcamp with a completed marketing plan and materials that will help you get your book(s) in front of more readers.

I will be emailing everyone on the waitlist Friday June 6 with exclusive pricing and early bird access.

Spots will be limited to ensure that each author in the bootcamp can get the chance for a personalized experience.

Join the waitlist so you don't miss out!

Keep rocking,

Aryn Van Dyke

Founder, Book Rockstar


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