Top Interview Do's and Don'ts Pt.2
Top interview do's and don'ts (that are surprisingly easy but often missed)

Top Interview Do's and Don'ts Pt.2

This is a continuation from our earlier article, Top Interview Do's and Don'ts, Pt. 1, where we began highlighting the most common (and often silly) mistakes we see in the interview room.

And, without further ado:

  1. DO Make Sure You Understand the Job Description

And that you are able and willing to do the job. If the job posting called for an overnight tech and you show up and say “I’m only willing to work days,” you will likely be given a curt goodbye by someone who is rather annoyed at having their time wasted by someone who apparently cannot read.??

If, for some reason, the hiring manager surprises you with new expectations that you are not willing to do, it is ok to ask if that is a new requirement for the position and if they say yes, to revoke your candidacy.?

  1. DO Check Your Picture and Audio

Most of the first round interviews our clients want to conduct are via an online platform, and you’d be shocked how many people show up 3 minutes late with now idea how to turn on their camera, with a mic that doesn’t work, or while grocery shopping. First of all, see tip #1. Then, check your picture and audio - does your mic work? Is your phone or computer volume turned up? Are you well lit? (This is a BIG one, a lot of people show up and are sitting in the dark giving off vampire vibes).

Also, beware your setting. Is your background free of mess or anything that could be considered inappropriate?? Is it distracting? Are you in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted? Are you sitting up straight or are you lying in bed? (Don’t laugh, people will show up in pj’s and in bed with pizza boxes on their pillow).

  1. DO NOT Be a Jerk

This one can take on many forms, but if you wouldn’t be a certain kind of way to your grandma, don’t be that way with a future employer. As my partner said to me recently “I don’t always care about experience. If someone comes to me with a great attitude, I’ll find a way to hire them!” Likewise, someone could have all of the experience in the world, but if they’re distracted, rude, cold, or act like they’re too good for the job, then they are not someone people are going to say “Yes! Let me spend 8-hours a day in a room with them!” about.

  1. DO Be Present

Don’t check your phone, scroll social media, read things in another browser that reflects in your glasses–you get the idea. It is obvious when you’re distracted. Trust us.

  1. DO Prepare Your Elevator Pitch

This is our biggest, and favorite, tip! Picture this: you’re at the interview. The hiring manager is also nervous and has no idea how to break the ice, so they ask the questions that every interviewer ever asks: “Tell me about yourself?” And you freeze: your tongue rolls up in your mouth and your mind goes blank as you try to remember your name. Don’t let this be you! Practice an elevator pitch; it doesn’t need to be a 5-minute monologue, just your name, where you’re from, your experience in the field, and what you love that drew you to your industry will get things rolling.?

I hope this helps! Questions and comments always welcome–we’d love to hear what advice you’d give others for a great interview! =]

Photo Credit: <a href="">Free Stock photos by Vecteezy</a>


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